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Sharp Farts

A super painful stinging fart that feels like a razor cutting through anal flesh as it’s released. Most likely due to out of control hemorrhoids.

“Hey I got tickets to go see ‘Harry Hemorrhoid and the Sharp Farts’!

“Hell yeah! They’ve got that new single out ‘Daddy’s got the Fart Needles Again!’”

by Chauncey McLoggins September 17, 2021

8👍 1👎

haley sharpe

haley sharpe is a beautiful women that everybody falls for.she is a very sensitive person but is very caring.to her long beautiful hair to her perfect body.her smile lights up the whole room. haley is a special person.

‘is that haley sharpe?’
yup. that’s my girlfriend

by ashton.erlewine May 31, 2021

7👍 1👎

sharp as an apple

An apple, being spherical and smooth, is one of the least sharp objects one could find. The phrase "sharp as an apple" therefore means that the subject is slow mentally. An idiot. It can also be used in a self-deprecating manner whenever someone comments on your failures, though typically it helps if you don't actually believe you are.

Guy 1: Hey man, what do you think would happen if I stuck my hand in this blender and turned it on?
Guy 2: You really are sharp as an apple, you know that?

by Turkey Boy February 28, 2008

12👍 3👎

Shannon Sharp

Ones who favorite word isSkip”. This person mutters “Skip in his sleep when nobody’s around.

Ur such a Shannon Sharp just shut the fuck up for once in your life.

by Psychomania October 20, 2019

9👍 2👎

Sharp hamburger

A hamburger that is able to cut due to its sharpness

You wanna know how I got this scars?

Sharp hamburger

by FunniMomento420 August 18, 2022

Sharp’s Lexicon

To argue in favour of an opinion in a ridiculous manor to the point where the opposition can’t even argue back because your argument was so retarded. This also includes use of logical loopholes.

David-“Thomas used Sharp’s Lexicon the other day when arguing if you could float on water covered in oil.”

Sam-“What a retard”

by Akiren November 24, 2020

evan sharpe

beautiful, handsome, sexy..... the whole package

wow is that guy named evan sharpe???
I think soo.... HAVE MY KIDS!!!

by The big ev November 13, 2020