to flip out or go into a rage of anger.
Im about to foop out if this car breaks down.
sucking a mans balls from the back and it makes the “fwooping” sound a vacuum makes.
i was fooping my boyfriend last night
A word that is used as a very violent term. It can also refer to feces of human
Foop you you Fooper
Foop is Poof backwards.
Female Poof or Lesbian.
A female who absolutely hates men.
The Fooper had poo sex with her partner, which is scissoring all day long whilst rolling around in poo.
Foop: a compound word meaning to poop a little when one farts. A child friendly synonym of Shart.
I need to go to the bathroom so badly that I’m afraid I might foop. Oops, I fooped.
Foop is the mashup of Fuck & poop.
Foop! Eggs are still expensive.