The coolest person you will every meet. He will never get mad and he's Asian.
Person: "Wow I love hanging out with Tiki Li!"
Person2: "I know right? He's so cool!".
He tall big cock once he love
Somebody it's forever
A lot Aries have it but
They real smart
And mean he make other boys jealous
Tiki is a soilder
A mare with a lot of energy and willpower. Tiki is competitive and perfectionist, she always takes incredible leaps. On the other hand, she has a complicated character and does not forgive much, especially the whip.
Her horse is a Tiki, how lucky she is!
A mare with a lot of energy and willpower. Tiki is a perfectionist horse who always lands incredible jumps. Despite this, she is complicated to understand and rarely forgives, in particular whip blows.
Her horse is a Tiki, what a happy person she must be!!
Tiki is a person who will do anything for his girlfriend.he is also freaky And crazy as hell and loves to smoke and protects his family and his is a amazing husband
A code for a devious three-some hehe
Hey bro Remeber that one girl she is a tiki