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Buckeye Trail

fucking gayest school ever.

look at that fag over there dancing to the WHIP AND NAY NAY! Looks like buckeye trail

by QueerMuncher27 February 11, 2018

monkey trailing

the act of leaving behind a trail of toxic nerve gas emmited from ones bunghole.

I didn't warn my grandma i was monkey trailing, so when she caught a wiff she checked her Depends.

by BXplicit December 8, 2008

The campaign trail

Fun and based election game

The campaign trail is fun

by Rudy Giuliani 969797 August 9, 2021

cookie trail

Its the line that leads to your "cookie" aka vagina

You can see the cookie trail on that pregnant girl

by Amrakkp November 21, 2016


The mess/destruction left behind after a KIM brings her kid/s anywhere to do physical and emotional damage to the scene

Grab the dog and cat and hide in the garage.

There will be a Kim-trail after this bbq

by PertnearPerfect April 18, 2019

Trail Karen

A karen on the trails. Usually a middle-aged white woman who is hiking to "be mINdFUL" and "EnjOY nATure". However, unlike the people who follow common trail courtesy, these trail karens believe that the entire trail belongs to them. They walk slowly in the middle and refuse to move even if they see someone walking on the very edge of the trail to not bump into them. Then, they expect a thank you even though they didn't move a single inch to make room for others to pass.

Trail karens are also suburban nimbys, brunchtime liberals, and carholes. They complain about how crowded the trails are, but fail to realize that their car-loving suburban-sprawl lifestyle leaves the trails as the only place for others to exercise and get fresh air. Bonus if they bring their aggressive dogs on the hike, let them attack others, and don't pick up after them.

Covid makes trail karens even worse. These trail karens identify anyone with inferior masks as republican karens without realizing how hard it is to run with a thick mask in the first place. They feel like they are doing something morally good by shaming the runners with surgical-level masks or bandanas in the 1 second of risky contact they have. This risky contact could be avoided if the trail karens decide to move off to the side of the trail, but instead, these karens blame the faster runners for being insensitive about covid.

Trail Karen: I can't be a karen because I looove nature and I'm so mindful....
Everyone else on the trail: Yeah, well you're still a self-entitled idiot

by Strava_addict_3 March 11, 2021

Trail Dropper

Whenever you are mountain biking or hiking with someone and they incessantly say “have you ever done blah blah blah trail?” With some dumb description of it. They seem not to be focused on the great experience they are having at the time.

Very similar to when you invite friend to your favorite restaurant and they keep talking about all the other restaurants they’ve been to .

Bob is such a “trail dropper” We were riding one of my favorite trails and all he could talk about was how awesome Whistler is.

by Chemodans July 14, 2022