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Dallas Slop-Trough

When you shove your dick furiously into someone’s feeding tube

“Did you hear Mandy was hospitalized in that car crash? She’s been in a coma for 3 weeks”

“Damn, she bad asf tho I’d still give her the Dallas Slop-Trough”

by FeedingTubeSex August 20, 2023

alabama sausage trough

the female genetalia

that gal got one huge alabama sausage trough

by deesil13 January 20, 2008

4👍 7👎

Trough mouthed slag pile

Similar to slag pile but on a higher level

Are you gonna see Sarah tonight? Ah, that trough mouthed slag pile

by Bungleb February 23, 2017

Trough tuck it back Peekaboo

When you're using a public trough urinal, walk up to the urinal, unzip your pants, turn around (facing opposite of the urinal) pull out your penis, move over your testicles now proceed to pull your penis back between your legs (penis pointed at urinal) now start urinating. That's the Trough Tuck It Back Peekaboo

I once thought a drunk guy was going to shit in the urinal nope he just did the Trough Tuck It Back Peekaboo

by Digiassman April 24, 2022

Boss Hog at the Boar Trough

A saying used by men with mustaches who grew up when “Dick” was the nation’s most popular name, used to describe an individual or organization so talented or powerful as to be unbeatable and universally revered. A far more manly and descriptive way of saying “a man amongst boys”. The literal explanation is that a boar is the biggest, baddest male pig and the individual or organization in question is the boss or alpha among the boars.

Fuck, Butch! Back in the 70’s, Easton Lacrosse was boss hog at the boar trough! Nobody wanted to play them.

by TitsOnaBoarHog November 26, 2020

Trough Duster

The act of purposely urinating on the back of one’s head while he is puking in a bar’s trough pisser.

Bro, I just gave a trough duster to that guy yukin’ in the bathroom

by Jen_italia69 October 29, 2021

Spunk trough

A spunk trough is that hollow at the bottom of a womans back, right on her spine, that appears when she's on her hands an knees. It is most prevelant when she arches her back during doggy style. The goal is to fill it.

She was bent over the bed and I was getting her from behind. I pulled out just in time to finish on her back and nearly filled her spunk trough.

by DQL21 February 12, 2016