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Sand Twizzler

Leader of the sand. One who roams with a mass of people to hold down the sand land.

"Omar is our Sand Twizzler"

by dadwuk June 17, 2024


Twisted and slizzered put together

Oh man I smoked 9 bowls and did a kegstand, I'm so twizzlered

Did you see how twizzlered that chick was? She should've held the beer bong

by Carbon6595 November 2, 2010


When you have consumed alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana. Like "triple-faded" instead of "cross-faded" because now there are three elements of intoxication.

After shotgunning those PBRs, smoking that blunt, and puffing my cig, I'm so twizzlered.

by dharmainitiative23 December 5, 2016

Jakarta Twizzler

Unique to Southeast Asia and popular among European tourists. A naked male, usually wearing glitter and a dusting of curry powder, gently kneads your buttocks and sprinkles the powder on your balloon knot. He coaxes his shaved monkey wife to stroke your genitalia and gently probe your anus with a long stick of red licorice. When nearing your climax, he donkey punches the beast with a severed monkey paw, causing the her to grip your testicles, resulting in your red hot orgasm.

I got really drunk on my vacation and blew 5 euros on a Jakarta Twizzler.

by The Donut Fairy February 22, 2016

French Twizzler

When you pick a large scab with your finger and insert it into her vagina.

I'm going to give you a french twizzler. #GoProto

by Zah Geen July 8, 2016

twizzler kiss

Performing the "twizzler" on a girl, where you cross the index and your middle finger and insert them into a girl's vagina, whilst performing oral sex.

Man, that girl loved the twizzler kiss I gave her last night!

by Shawn226611 October 12, 2020

Cotton Candy Twizzler

Whne you put cotton candy on a twizzler and eat it

I just had the best Cotton Candy twizzler ever!

by InstaAidennreynolds March 22, 2022