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tall. she likes movies plotted in the regency era. she has a dog. she likes too many things but not enough. her sexuality is also different. she’s getting by. she’s easy to please. #aquariusaf #shesok

Valeria is a bit off
“Valeria is epileptic”
“Valeria is here”

by val <3 :) December 13, 2021




by lelia777777777777 November 24, 2021


someone who walks around thinking shes the best with tons of guys flirting with her just becase of her butt and her boobs. not even that pretty kinda ok actually VERY annoying steals everyone from sexy people like me

valeria: oh that guy is cute
me: i know him! I have liked him for years
guy: valeria is hot

by womangirl May 19, 2013

88👍 205👎


It is a fake disease that can be transmitted easily by sharing water, etc. Can be mistaken for a STD or malaria. Used to trick unsuspecting friends into not mooching your food and shit.

"Bro I can't share my gatorade I have valeria"
"Wait dude, is it like malaria or something?"

by Steven B. May 24, 2005

120👍 383👎


Vale is a amazing person who will make you laugh till you can't breathe amazing inside and out you are so lucky if you have her in your life she is a flashlight to your darkness that turns on even if your not close to her because she will always be there for her but dont cross her because if you do her bestfriend will come to kill you cause she IS NOT gonna put up with someone hurting her bsf. Vale is beautif and amazing inside and out with a heart of diamond never lose her. If your reading this vale,


Shy girl: She seems rlly nice but how do ik i can trust her:(
Valeria<3 friend: She is a amazing friend there is no doubt you can trust her

Mean girl: Ewww look at vale

by Valesbsf<3 September 7, 2019


a bitch that can't spell. she put the as in christmas. jk she as flat as my heartbeat. her husband is bruno mars and she has over reactive nerves. she hates the weather and is almost as closeted as a penguin.hoe hoe hoe. merry f-in quanza. no, she ain't beautiful, and no she ain't special. she looks like she's the before in a hamburger helper commercial. she looks like a little german boy. the only commitment she has is for ramen. and her face kind of resembles harry potter. for appearance refer to #dora #potato #vacuumcleaner #toe #cumdumster #grudge

valeria is such a hoe. look at her eating that ramen.

by brendon_urie June 20, 2017

7👍 73👎

Valeria ortega

Valeria is a funny intelligent person.She is a hard working and loves to party hard.She likes to smash with adults and children over 13.She will make you laugh and in class she could be a nerd but she could be a giggle box during class.She will have lots of boyfriends and she will decide who to marry.If you had a boyfriend in 4th grade then you would be lucky becuase you will keep having them to the next level.But Valeria is curios likes to learn different languages and she is caring.she could only spell 1 rumor but only that happens when she is jealous.

Valeria Ortega

by Valeria Ortega July 13, 2018