A Japanese term usually used for girls to describe a lovesick obsessive person that will go out of their way like kill, stalk, or kidnap someone to get their crush to love them or to make sure they don't get close. Or you could say me
My Creepy Stalker Story by Tana Mongeau.
Tana's stalker was probably a yandere lmao.
a yandere is a man or woman that will murder his or her rivals to win your love
also laughs at other peoples mysfortunes
Someone whom is so obsessed with someone they would do anything for their lover
“Yandere Chan is a strange.Ive seen things”
Yandere is a portmantoe, isn't that a funny word, port, man, toe
Anyway, this word comes from the Japanese words 'yan' meaning to stab... Repeatedly, and 'dere' meaning in the fucking pancreas.
Yandere-dev, yandere-dev!!!
a person who will go to extremely violent lengths to be with their lover
"I think my crush is a yandere."
a person who will go to extremely violent lengths to be with their lover
"I think my crush is a yandere."