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yeet yoink

a word used to show confusion and or anger

what in the yeet yoink is going on right now

by bree nichols November 26, 2018

23๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

get yoinked

When you steal a small thing (usually food) from someone in a funny context, and you want to say something retarded that makes them laugh.

Person 1: *takes biscuit from person 2's hands*
Person 2: Hey! Fuck you!
Person 1: Haha! Get yoinked!

by le zoink December 12, 2018


An all purpose word. Originally used to describe the act of taking an object I

Now used to refer to any sudden action such as flopping onto a futon, "I'm so tired, yoink!"

Can also be used as an exclamation for general disgust "Well, YOINK!"

"love that pen Yoink!"

by ryan muller February 3, 2004

6๐Ÿ‘ 84๐Ÿ‘Ž

yoink and boink

The act of kidnapping and subsequently raping a victim.

"Just wait 'til that honey stops to tie her shoe, that's when it's time for the yoink and boink!"

by D. Money February 21, 2008

49๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

porn yoinked

When you're watching porn and as soon as you're about to cum, the camera cuts to the guys face or ballsack effectively stopping your climax dead in its tracks

Me: I was watching porn the other night and right when I hit the spot the frame cut to the guy's stupid O face
Trey: Man that sucks. Did you at least get off?
Me: Yeah but I still felt like is been cheated
Trey: Sounds like you got porn yoinked brotha

by EspanolaDave March 4, 2015

Yoink and Boink

When you have to jerk off but quickly

Yo imma yoink and boink real quick before we have to go

by bigthiccy10 February 6, 2018


when you pull lil ms piggy's tail straight out and watch it curl back up again.

The evil penguin kept yoinking ms. piggy with agressiveness.

by ms piggy March 3, 2004

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