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A noob

You are a Desmond

by Crazy cracker 279 November 3, 2021


Desmond is short gay little yam nose diddyslave little fuck, he is obsessed with riding dick with no license (someone call the cops)

desmond chews cigars and licks velveeta cheese blocks

by I am bd willy 374 October 26, 2024


Desmonds are always an charmer, more noticeable for their excessive ass hair. They are often hard-lovers, but once you get to their heart, you'll never want to let go. Desmonds are the sexiest creatures on this Earth. Regardless of being Ceaser's son. "Desmond" or "Monkeyyy" are the best option for girls.

Him: WOAH! I see an aggressive monkey
Her: Oh don't worry that's just a desmond

by Chef Choppa April 18, 2019


The most lethal of Ghosts to ever roam the hallways of 6 Tanglewood Drive, no warning, no time, no Clue's except your fellow ghost hunters bodies laying just inside the doorway...the look of terror stretched across their faces...what horrors they had seen could only be achieved but the most foal and blood thirsty assassin ghosts this Phasmophibic world has seen!!

"I earned the hidden trophy !! Killed by a Desmond as soon as I walked in the door."- Trina

by ShameBot25 January 10, 2025


He is the biggest chad ever.

All the women love him
But he ain’t a simp

Desmond is cool👍

by Asuer556 August 27, 2022


Wealthy Healthy straight non bi or homo sexual individual or family member

Sweet caring and non selfish

A diligent worker and a careful yet energetic energy

Desmond's are so nurturing.
Desmond's Are great Children.

by UnoYoko February 12, 2022


Desmond also known as A desmond is an American Boy with Good Health
Desmond's are extremely masculine males with thier own type of order

they are boys at heart with great work ethics and a liking for clean feminine females

Desmond is a name to fear

If you speak bad or ill towards a desmond or his immediate family You are immediately immensely cursed for over 100 decades with no way to retract or karmalize or revenge the negative energy you first sent.
Desmonds are not stubborn they are truly aware of they're worthiness of Success and over achievements when they decide.
Desmond's deserve never ending free range of happiness and compliments and are granted what they deserve for themselves and their family.
Always compliment A Desmond

Desmond also mean nonbisexual and nonhomosexual which means to be strict and only being intimate with the oposite gender which is female={f}.

(Desmond tutu may or may not be a Desmond (Only time can reveal such info)

I'm happy I always compliment Desmond, He surly does deserve it.
Desmond is such a cool name I'm glad he's my friend

by UnoYoko February 12, 2022