when some does shit that is either really funny or really stupid :P
Fish Sticks, "woah! he ran across the matric lawn!" "he's CRAZY!"
4👍 11👎
You drive me crazy…..
I love seeing you
I love how you support and encourage them
I love watching you.. in a friendly creepy way lol
I love dreaming about you and me together… your arms.. how I want to be there
When talking about nachos today, I couldn’t even look at you🫣I would have had one of those body moves on its own moments.. really wanted to though.. maybe if I trip and happen to fall into you🤔🤔 believable… hmm may have to ponder this idea some more… only slight issue would be if you didn’t catch me and then I face plant into the ground and I still didn’t get your arms around me…
Here is another idea… dress you up like Santa…
What you do to me❤️❤️❤️ I constantly babble … I can’t wait until I can babble you ears off instead of your eyes … at least this way you don’t have to worry about getting hit when I talk with my hands..
Crazy… I am so crazily in love with you… I love it and I love you… always
26👍 62👎
As crazy as it drives me not being able to be in your arms… your words and patience is what conquered my heart… you have my heart forever❤️❤️❤️
Crazy… I am so in love with you always ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
38👍 51👎
created by a freind of mine means the same as crazy but it is 100 times crazier
your so craziness
shes so craziness
6👍 24👎
you intentionally want dick and is that you you got a lot of hoes .
Yo I just got a girl
"That's crazy me to"
15👍 108👎
A copypasta meme from early internet culture that was made famous by Youtuber Kryoz. The saying is able to go on a loop.
Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once-
"Crazy? I was crazy once.-" "Shut the Fuck up Gerald, we're trying to sleep!"
18👍 2👎