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School Hangover

When you fall asleep in class, and literately pass out. When waking up, the following symptons may occur:
1. Drooling
2. Cowlick
3. Dont remember anything( where u are or whats going on)
4.eyes burning from light
5. major headache


Today, only having an 1 of sleep the night before, completely passed out in the middle of a science lecture. When i woke up, drool was everywhere

Me: Where am I
Friend: You just had a school hangover

by Moik THE NEXT AMERICAN IDOL February 16, 2011

sex hangover

When you had so much sex the night before it hurts to exist. Symptoms include: being drunk on emotions, soreness, not giving a fuck about anything, and hickies.

"Dude, are you okay? You've done nothing all day but stare at that wall." "I'm great actually, I just have a sex hangover."

by devinhoo November 18, 2013

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high hangover

When you go to sleep super high and you wake up the next morning, still high. Sometimes it lasts the whole day.

Bob: Bro my ass is still high from smoking last night

Sam: Bro your ass has a high hangover

by jose420 December 12, 2011

18๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

vagina hangover

When you've had so much sex that your vaginal region hurts like hell the next day, but dang, it was worth it.

When Hillary awoke the next morning with a throbbing vagina hangover, she vowed never to have sex again.

by BeritBerit October 28, 2007

44๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

delayed hangover

Unlike the typical hangover where you wake up sick and feeling like shit, the delayed hangover is a tricky little bitch.

This is the phenomenon that occurs when you have spent the evening drinking to excess. You go to bed drunk. You wake up feeling fine! You go about your normal routine- eating, drinking coffee and such. Then suddenly, out of nowhere, the hangover that you smugly thought you had escaped materializes. This is HOURS after you woke up. What. The. Hell.

Synonymn: Creeper Hangover.

Last night I got so drunk! I woke up feeling awesome so I decided to go see my parents, only to be ambushed with the dreaded delayed hangover. I spent alot of time in the bathroom and trying not to pass out. I played it off to my parents that I ate something bad.

by All4Us December 29, 2009

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African Hangover

The state in which one finds themselves the next morning after a night of heavy drinking where the only food one can consume without vomitting is rice and water

Jess had the biggest african hangover in cuba.

by 313vagina February 23, 2009

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disney hangover

The hung over, beat up feeling you have the morning after spending 12+ non stop hours at a Disney park trying to do everything while fighting the thousands of other people doing the same thing

Dude, do you want to go to the beach today?

No way I went to Disneyland yesterday and I have a Disney hangover and I cant even walk.

by 4njunk December 6, 2013

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