When you deepthroat a squash and fire a paintball gun up your ass, while being nose fucked by a giant black guy named Tyrone
"Wanna dirty veggie some time?"
When a male ejaculates on the face of a vegan, then dips a baby carrot in it.
After the animal rights protest, the horny vegans went behind the Starbucks for a wet veggie.
a veggie chat is one without beef
"hey, thank you for the veggie chat, im good, much better. I was so self-centered and then this shooting happened and it put me back in my place. It made me look for my friends. We should all take care of each other"
When an adult entertainer puts vegetables in her vagina, and gets unsuspecting victims to do it for her
"hey Jenny's doing a Veggie show again, get the boys in here to take a look"
When you receive sexual pleasure from someone who is brain dead
Last night while working my shift at the hospital i got me some veggie delight.
A veggie vegan is a vegan that is usually mocked by his/her/their friends. But, these "Veggie Vegans" always stick to it and never give up on there vegan path.
"HAHAHAHAHAH these the VEGGIE VEGANNN!!!!!" (the dumb kid)
"I am happy with my life style choices!" (The veggie vegan.)
boiled veggies is when a group of sweaty retards gather in a hot tub.
"Hey man wanna chill in the hot tub?"
"Nah, its full of boiled veggies