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a teenager who has severe autism, anorexia, and awkwardness. he posts stolen content on his youtube channel (4D beats). He drinks sustagen and is as thin as a stick.

Did u hear what DOUGLAS (LORD OF ANOREXIA) did at lunch time, he was really weird and awkward towards the grade 7ers



That disease you see on the cover of Vogue

My Anorexia was diagnosed after developing body issues while reading the latest issue of Vogue.

by Line Puncher August 27, 2023


That disease you see on the cover of Vogue

My Anorexia was diagnosed after developing body issues while reading the latest issue of Vogue.

by Line Puncher August 27, 2023


Anorexia is apart of a serious group of mental disorders, typically found in female or feminine individuals, they don't feel good enough and will limit/reject food and are often good at math thanks to the calories they count everyday. But what does it feel like? You may ask, well you are just in luck because I am indeed Anorexic myself. Essentially you look in the mirror and no matter how thin you actually are you can't help but notice your curves are gone or your boobs are shrinking or your stomach isn't flattening like you wanted it to and no matter how hard you actually try you can't see yourself as anything but fat and useless, it's like drowning in an endless puddle of shame and diet pills with no hand to help you up no matter how much you scream or cry for help there is NO ONE but the endless nights of just vodka menthol cigarettes and red lipstick to make you feel like yourself again, a constant bar of goals and standards you set for yourself and even if you put on high heels the bar only gets higher and higher for yourself before you can even touch it. You end up drinking so much water that your body becomes a bath tub that your organs begin to float in it like loofahs. You just end up feeling so incredibly cold in a warm room. You feel so weak and shaky, and you want to stop but your body physically can't process that it needs food any more because of how much you deprived it from it. Not wanting to die isn't the same as wanting to recover.

"Did you see her? She's losing so much weight."
"Yeah! I think she's Anorexic "
"I'm afraid to diagnose you with anorexia"

by Hellisforeverweitheryoulikeito April 27, 2024


You never want food, or thinking about food makes you feel sick constantly

Anorexias the coolest..I could take 1 Oreo as a snack in a movie, and probably still have some left at the end.

by TeeBot1699 September 23, 2020


A complex physiological and physical disease in which someone has an unhealthy obsession with losing weight. This disorder can be divided into two major subtypes: Binge-Purge* and atypical.
Atypical anorexia is when someone starved and/or over exercises in order to lose weight.
Binge Purge anorexia is when someone will go on periods of restriction of food intake that results in binge eating, followed by purging of some kind (I.e. through forced vomiting, abuse of laxatives, over exercise, and etc.)
Both are very dangerous and detrimental to one health.

Joe has anorexia. He is not a girl. He is not white. He is middle aged. He is a healthy weight. Joe is still anorexic.

by TheFairLadyAcrossTheStreet October 21, 2021


A condition, which envolves a person being overly underweight, Which causes health problems and Severe tireness, It happens whenever someone is overly underfed and food deprived

Doctor: I diagnose you with Anorexia, You should eat in a calory surplus
Patient: Oh.., Understood.

by Mystei August 15, 2024