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Hoe Out or Blow Out

A phrase used by a lady of leisure, when you can't turn a hoe into a house wife, but he's marrying her anyway in less then a week.

-Ooh girl, you getting married in a week!

-You right girl, I only got a week left to hoe out or blow out!!

by Kackmobinc November 29, 2016

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blow my ass out

like put a cap gun in someone's asshole and shoot it to give a pleasurable vibration in the rectum causing orgasm

David:Hey mary can you blow my ass out
Mark:blow my ass out too mary
Mary:fuck off

by GorillaPussy_yomamma'sbigassho December 17, 2017

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Blow a fish out of one's ass

An expression which helps create an image of how angry one is/was at the time.

"I was so pissed I almost blew a fish out of my ass!"

by Bettie Who May 1, 2005

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Push-down, Blow-out Stack

A FIFO (First-In, First-Out) stack in computing is also known as a Push-down, Pull-out stack - records or events or items are pushed down at the top and pulled out at the bottom. A LIFO (Last-In, First-Out) is also known as a Push-down, Pop-out stack - records are pushed down from the top and pulled out from the top.

You can imagine a FIBO or Push-down, Blow-out stack where you keep pushing events or to-do items (or emails) down at the top until the pressure reaches a certain point at which time the bottom of the stack ruptures and all the items in the queue blow out the bottom and scatter all over the floor.

For some folks, their email inbox is a Push-down, Blow-out stack where any emails that get pushed down below the fold (bottom edge of the screen) essentially disappear from their reality and might as well have blown out all over the floor.

My To-Do list is a Push-down, Blow-out stack which has reached critical mass and exploded; it's blissfully reassuring now that I have nothing in my To-Do list!

by jfkelley June 19, 2018

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blow out your back

Blow out your back

I can help you blow out your back

by Naddiyne June 16, 2022

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blowing the cobwebs out your muffler

The act of masterbating when it's been a while since you last have.

Aye man imma go blow the cobwebs out my muffler. Hints blowing the cobwebs out your muffler.

by Yassica June 12, 2015

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national blow your back out day

National Blow Your Back Out Day is on July 1st. People celebrate by getting their backs blown out.

I'm getting my back blown out ? Didn't you hear tomorrow is National Blow Your Back Out Day?!

by dadontori June 22, 2021

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