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Humphrey Bogart cheeseburger

A fat cheeseburger who is obsessed with having plastic surgery to look like Bogart. He thinks he is quirky for wearing 3 masks on top of each other. He also hates Elvis because Bogart rivals the gigachad.

Look at that ugly man, he is Humphrey Bogart cheeseburger.

by MichellePeck June 22, 2021

conversation bogart

Similar to the classic bogart who wont pass the joint while others are waiting, this type of bogart comes into groups and social occasions, sucking up as much attention, conversation and energy as they can. bogart motivation factors can be sexual, social, energy suck or attention suck, sometimes no motivation as that is just who they are (habitually loud, rude, obnoxious,self-centered, self-seeking or inconsiderate. tactics of conversation bogarts may include but not limited to: -Overtalking, loudtalking or overvoluming everyone else in the room.
-Interrupting others, strategically ignoring others, or monologging so as to leave no room for anyone else to speak.
-Acting, or including elements of performance art into the bogarting for maximum effect. Can include dramatazition, apparel and makeup techniques etc.
-Sizing, size intimidation, strategic placement of a big fat body in a room, so as to insure all communications are interceptable or controllable, placement of the big fat body may also be in a place where everyone must look at the bogart. persons interested in talking to or saying hello to others or must somehow signal them to summon them away. Conversation bogarts may be covertly aware of this enjoy holding others at bay. Chronic conversation bogarts may be oblivious to others. Strategic conversation bogarts maintain intentional obliviousness..
-Cock blocking or fem blocking, where the conversation bogart uses sex, or gender preference to determine strategy.

Lenny is such a fat fuck, every time he is around I do not bother to try to talk to anyone, because he’s a conversation bogart”
“Did you see how Elaine kept moving in on Sally and Patty over there? I wanted to talk to Sally but I couldn’t even get near her or get a word in edgewise. What a conversation bogart!”

by switchboardpub May 24, 2015


A style of art that uses tinted boogers.

Look my bogart.

by guyguyguyguyguyguy August 28, 2023


Bogart is a wonderful person!
Bogart is the coolest person on the whole wide planet.

If you ever mess with a Bogart, then your a complete asshole. Your life won't be complete without a BOGART!!

don't even think about messing with a bogart.

by picazeo July 18, 2022


an utterly stupid action or person; a retarded person

Philip: Last night, I was trying to find my lighter in the dark, and using my lighter for light
Isaac: That is the most bogart thing I have ever heard

by Dr. Jubabalo November 27, 2018


if anybody has ever watched a Humphrey Bogart movie you will notice he has a habit of lighting a cigarette taking a couple drags and then throwing it away usually in a fit of anger
this is actually the definition of bogarting something to cast it aside before it's used up it has nothing to do with being selfish or hogging it although when things come into common usage they become acceptable however all the definitions on here are incorrect I have a ph.d in film history and anthropology so I know whereof I speak thank you

Ah dude why'd you Bogart that cigarette that was my second last one I would have smoked it

by d'electricain January 2, 2019


a bogart is a monster that will play an instrument for your plesure and if you feed it food it will be very happy

simply hatch it and feed it and your bogart will be happy

by shnart burgu March 20, 2023