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Another name for a person called Gwilym.

The Gwilym Boomer sometimes referred to as the Gwilboom is an especially childish boomer that denies that he is a boomer

Oh you’re such a Boomer

by Youreaboomer November 9, 2019

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Someone usually above the age of 60-65, would be considered a boomer. Blown up by TikTok, boomer can be used when an elderly person says something against a younger generation.

Elderly person: You young people can’t live without your mobile phones and stupid technology!
Modern Generation: oK bOoMeR

by Shah5ive November 12, 2019

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When something is extremely cool, or surprisingly pleasing.

That was a boomer move bro!

by your garage door October 22, 2019

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Despite the common misconception that the word "boomer" refers to either the generation born after the end of World War Two or a person who hold outdated or antiquated ideas, a boomer actually refers to anyone that I disagree with. It is highly derogatory and anyone who is called a boomer should feel deeply shamed about what they have done to derserve the title.

Boomer: "Actually I really just don't think that cannibalism would solve more problems than it creates."
Me: "Okay, BOOMER."

by OneAnonymousPseudonym June 23, 2020

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The person that looks this definition up

Timmy: Hey mom what’s a boomer?
Mom: You

by Severalapollo7 November 20, 2019

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"A shitty french teacher"

Mrs Arason= a boomer

by CHICKEN NUGGET 04 November 25, 2019

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a boomer is an internet slang defining an old guy on the internet

hey man what does boomer mean? shut up boomer.

by lil_fryy August 14, 2019

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