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Butch Chivalry

When a big old masculine lesbian aka bull dyke knows how to treat another lesbian like a lady. Usually others of the non-bull dyke lesbian variety.

Although Charlene is a big ol’ bull dyke and runs some questionable shower searches, as a guard, over the inmates at the women’s prison, when she is on a date, she’s poised in the art of butch chivalry.

by Eaton Holgoode November 19, 2018

12πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

butch it up

Term used to encourage a specific traditionally masculine act or more generally masculine behavior in an effeminate acting person.

To someone that won't jump in a cold swimming pool, "Butch it up, girlie-pants, and jump in the frickin' water!"

by Marlon Jackson July 14, 2004

61πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

soft butch

a female that is more masculine in additude,dresses like a man but still has a lil bit a (femme) in her.(Soft butch_ females don't want to be men but love dressing and acting like men.

hey! that girl is butchy but damn she hella pretty.

by MeL Perez January 29, 2004

152πŸ‘ 62πŸ‘Ž


A great word meaning whatever you need it to at the time.

"Hey John, How'd you do on that exam?"
"I fucking butch-chucked it!"


by b_in_wyoming February 23, 2015

butch huskey

to hustle, scam, or otherwise acquire something by fraudulent or criminal means

Tom was sitting at a bar enjoying his beer when a fast-talking stranger came up and butch huskeyed it away from him.

by Joe Pareto April 5, 2009

Butched Over

When you are at work, and one of your fellow workers has a idea! But instead of taking credit for it good or bad they drive a proverbial bus over you, then they look in the rear view mirror, and see that you are not totally down so they put it in reverse hit you again, and then for good measure they drive back over you just to make sure you are down!

BUTCHED OVER, examlpe, Butch says, "Hey what do you think of this idea!", then 30 minutes later when talking to someone else it turns into, "WELL BOB SAID!" What Bob didn't say that!

by Bigdog October 24, 2016

butch up

To stop acting like a prissy little girl and act more like a man.
To act like a manly woman.

"Hey dude, why don't you butch up and stop whining like a spoiled little girl.

by Tralblzr2 April 13, 2018

15πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž