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small mammals that love you one day and then try to kill you the next.

Cats are very kind creatures.

by BounceFire December 2, 2021




by ~+[(#_^ July 1, 2019


The tenacious yet ravenous creature that lurks in the shadowy depths of the kitchen floor, whose primary purpose is to reap the souls of it blissfully unaware and casually blinded victims. The “Cat” or demon of the velvet forest, is the underlying cause for human deaths, usually the result of triple homicides. It is the common opinion of professional veterinary scientists that the “Cat” is a mad chicken raping beast that could only be the result of Lucifer’s broadened affairs with hypnotic muffins.

When you turn off your light to go to sleep, that moment when you feel the eyes of something more... ...it is there... ...The CAT

by Undead Banana Cake July 9, 2013


The cat (Felis catus) is a small carnivorous mammal. It is the only domesticated species in the family Felidae and often referred to as the domestic cat to distinguish it from wild members of the family. The cat is either a house cat, kept as a pet, or a feral cat, freely ranging and avoiding human contact.

I want to pet my cat today.
I am going to study about cats today.

by Error? May 17, 2019


Like the term dog, but in Old School slang (bascially it means your friends.)

Ok cats, lets rumble!

by pimp daddy dollars March 7, 2005

125👍 70👎

the cat

Slang for the woman's vagina (or pussy)
Made popular by Sir Mix-A-Lot's song "Sprung on the Cat"

"Dont pet the cat if you just met the cat. If you're sprung on the cat, you might as well eat it."

by Ratchel the Dinosaur August 18, 2009

50👍 25👎


1) an animal usually found napping, playing with yarn, or being chased by a dog

2) nickname for "Catherine", and anyone nicknamed thus is automatically sweet and perfect, and yes: they sneeze rather like the animal cat

1) that cat tore up my couch!!!

2) Cat is so nice, she is my bff!!!

by cma2012 April 12, 2010

18👍 7👎