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A Chelsea

A person who is a chameleon and can be your very best friend in the world. This person is so good they will practically become you. All your likes, dislikes, music tastes, books everything you do they will do to mirror you and trick you into believing imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Once they get a new person to emulate they will turn everyone against you and behave as though it was you being the bad guy all along. This type of person is two-faced a liar and money hungry. Typically they learned it from their parent who is also the exact same way. A real slimy lizard. A Chamelon/A Chelsea is not to be trusted.

"Omg he/she is such a Chelsea do not trust her/him"

by Theresa Delgado December 9, 2017

8๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


A girl who needs glasses so she can see her man is ugly.

Micheals girlfriend Chelsea needs glasses.

by Human101101 March 7, 2017

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The name you give to your most annoying daughter.

I know I'm supposed to love all of my children equally but Chelsea just makes it so difficult.

by Starnewspaper July 18, 2018

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Chelsea is an amazing girl who is my girlfriend and I love her so much!! She's such a beautiful person and deserves to be the happiest girl in the world!!!

Chelsea is the best!!

by evieiscute January 27, 2020

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A girl with a PHAT ASS forehead, the size of da moon.

Man: Ay GORL
Girl: Hello?
Man: Your forehead a mo'fuckin CHELSEA

by HekkinKek December 11, 2018

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She is Most amazing person u will ever come across, she has a heart of gold if u have her don't let go bc u will spend the rest of Ur days regretting it, she won't take any shit from anyone so don't think of starting on her, try Ur best to not fuck up because u will go from being the happiest mf in the room to the saddest.

"Pisst Chelsea do you know the answer to 45รท100.3" (her class mate)
"Pfffft easy"(Chelsea)

by R_J_Mitch December 5, 2021

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Chelsea is the hotest girl you'll ever meet. She also has the kindest heart to match her gorgeous face. Once you have Chelsea, you'll never ever want to let her go. She will never fail to amaze you each and every day!

Chelsea is the best girlfriend ever.

I love Chelsea.

by evieiscute July 6, 2020

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