Source Code

Automatic Circumcision

The act of sticking your uncircumcised penis in an automatic pencil sharpener there fore removing any present foreskin
(Possible side effect: mutilation)

Teacher: Terrance what the fuck are you doing
Terrance: my parents couldn’t afford my circumcision as a kid

Teacher: why the fuck are you sticking your penis in a pencil sharpener
Terrance: it’s just the old automatic circumcision trick

by I_have_Lupus_7 February 25, 2019

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redneck circumcision

When a redneck girl is giving her brother a blowjob and bites off the tip of his pecker

Johnny sister gave him a redneck circumcision last Thursday.

by Saitan98 July 23, 2017

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Wolverhampton Circumcision

An alternative term for describing a degloved penis, referencing an unfortunate example of this injury suffered by an indie wrestler during a ladder match at a local wrestling event in Wolverhampton, England in 2010.

The naked man almost gave himself a Wolverhampton circumcision hugging that lamp-post so tight.

by Steve Regal August 21, 2022

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Redneck Circumcision

When you place a firecracker in your foreskin and light it off.

"You ain't a man 'til yerr uncle daddy gives ya the ol' redneck circumcision."

"Daddy, I saw Carl and Daryl givin' each other them redneck circumcisions again"

by Dick Darylson February 21, 2018

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circumcision envy

A condition suffered by men who have not been circumcised. Firstly they have to wash their penises longer in the shower, secondly there's a far greater chance of a zipper mishap and thirdly (most importantly) because circumcised men get laid far more often ....... women just find it impossible to say no when there's 10% off !!

Lee felt a sudden pang of circumcision envy as he watched the girls wait in line to bag a piece of arran

by buggaluggs October 2, 2009

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female circumcision

is what you get when you sit a woman on a wicker basket and shave off whatever hangs through.

Plenty of examples of female circumcision to be seen on google images - don't try this at home.

by Bunkerbuster October 16, 2006

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Circumcision Land

Another name for Israel.

Man, I hate Circumcision Land. They torture male babies a week after they were born.

What’s Circumcision Land?

It’s what I like to call Israel.

by Excrushman August 12, 2020

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