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eyelid conspiracy

Always keeping your eye peeled. could be a conspiracy around the corner that has your name on it.

I'm feeling an eyelid conspiracy coming on.
think there is an eyelid conspiracy aimed at me.

by C.G. Daniels March 24, 2008

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conspiracy deist

A person who believes in conspiracy theories but doesn't think they matter.

Jim is a conspiracy deist, he knows 9/11 was an inside job and doesn't care!

by Hivs July 29, 2012

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Conspiracy Theory

Quite literally anything that is not directly given to you by the (((approved))) sources online.

Posting about demographics? Conspiracy theorist.
Posting about the rise of anti-white bigotry? Conspiracy theorist.
Posting about the systemic privilege that African Americans and Jews benefit off of in western society? Conspiracy theorist.
Posting about the obvious irregularities and discontinuities during the 2020 election? Conspiracy theorist.
Posting about how CRT is being taught to your children with the intent to push cultural Marxism onto the innocent? Conspiracy theory

I could go on, but I have to get back to work. Conspiracy theories become more valid the more outrage from the far-left mainstream media they receive.

Teacher: "Okey kool kids klass, 2dey we guna luwrn abawt da huite supreeeemists nigga dat killed niggas 1 n 2."
Nigga 4: "Ayo muh nigga but dey got killed by a nigga."
Teacher: "Yee, a huite supreeeemists nigga."
Nigga 4: "A'ite."

Enter Moshe Schnozenstein-Sheckelgrabber
Moshe Schnozenstein-Sheckelgrabber: "I heard that there was a conspiracy theory here!"
Nigga 5: Yee, nigga 3 killed niggas 1 and 2.
Moshe Schnozenstein-Sheckelgrabber: Niggas 1 and 2 were killed by a white supremacist nigga, understand?
Nigga 5: Yis

by ChigginNiggers November 16, 2021

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Conspiracy Theory

If people are unemployed, they make up a conspiracy theory that's insane and the "truth", never mind that it makes no sense. This will give them attention, and if they get lucky, they'll get payed to write a book about their theory, making them some money to pay their electric bills.

The illuminati controlls us all!


by Bas April 8, 2005

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Conspiracy Theism

The almost religious-like belief in conspiracy theories.

Alex Jones’ followers are a bunch of Conspiracy Theists. They’ll believe anything he tells them without any facts, just like a religion.

Conspiracy Theism is a way for dumb people to feel smart and superior to people who actually have critical thinking skills.

by Paco Pez August 9, 2018

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Conspiracy Theory

I will point at Metal Gear Solid 3 and say "pretty much that".

Anyone who doesnt trust the governmet will make up bullshit storis because they are too lazy to look up facts like these on, for example, the JFK assassination.
1. There is no such thing as a magic bullet.
2. There were 3 shots fired that day: 1. missed 2. got kennedy through the chest/throat and would have been fatal if the next shot had not been fired 3. The infamous headshot

There are theories that there was a second gunman, or that the bullet made an S curve to hit both kennedy and the governor of texas, when in fact a recent Discovery Channel special shows the following:

1. The governors seat in the front of the car was 6 inches in and 3 inches down from the seat where Kennedy was sitting, eliminating the magic bullet theory.
2. The second shot mentioned above entered through the tough muscle near the neck and shoulder, penetrated the seat and went through the governors seat and torso, exited through his chest and sturck his wrist and exited, glancing off the bone and finally stopping in the Texas Governors theigh.

3. The Discovery channel special used the $12.75 Italian Mannlischer rifle in .30 caliber period ammunition from an elevation and angle identical to Lee Harvey Oswalds position and turned up almost identical results to what has been tested and video taped.

So, for the last fucking time, STOP with the JFK theories and do something productive.

Conspiracy theory is useless

by Cartmaniac June 24, 2009

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Conspiracy Porn

Noun: Media that feeds a fetish for conspiracy theories; masturbatory video, text, and image content designed to feed conspiracy theorists' addictions to information, fake or real, that confirms their beliefs in one or more, grand or small, conspiracies.

The #EpsteinDidntKillHimself meme was designed by the Illuminati as conspiracy porn to distract people from the fact that Jeffrey Epstein was a character played by an actor who now lives in Israel. The real conspiracy is uncovered on my password restricted podcast, in which I'll let you in on a little known secret that cures cancer, increases IQ, and enlarges the libido (only $59.99/month).

by Dritzfella81 January 12, 2020

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