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Maryland Corndog

Usually done by Marylanders, a sexual act in which a female performing oral sex a male covers his penis in a variety of liquid and smothers it using her hands. This liquid can be cum, spit, or even, shit or vomit.

If the partaker wishes to, he or she may also use Maryland-born seasonings, such as Old Bay or McCormick pepper

Chris: Hey Frank, how’ve Sydney and Tim been getting along?
Frank: *Sighs* You wouldn’t believe it, but she’s been giving him the good ol’ Maryland Corndogs whenever she comes over…
Chris: The fuck is that supposed to be?
Frank: It’s.. an eastern shore thing…

by ElainaPastitsio July 28, 2023

Corndog Wife

When a wife is good on the outside, but also good on the inside.

You mean she's pretty AND she volunteers at a children's hospital? Wow, Raymond landed himself a real corndog wife.

by Shamzmam August 31, 2017

Arctic Corndog

when you freeze a turd, and give it to someone to be used as a dildo.

I gave her the arctic corndog.

by fiddlediddler November 7, 2010

corndog condom

The act of using the corn bread from a corn dog as a condom. 35%effective 100%delicious

I whipped out the corndog condom on a random slam last night and she bit the head of my cock!

by Gingerherps February 13, 2014

7👍 1👎

dirty corndog

When you slap a big, fat, juicy corndog on your ex's asshole and then finger your dog while sucking your dad's dick

Dayeum that man just pulled a dirty corndog

by TheOneAndOnlyMansNotHot63 April 14, 2020

6👍 1👎

Turkish Corndog

When you wrap sandpaper around your dick, and insert into a girl's asshole.

Me - "I gave that bitch a good ol turkish corndog!"

Friend - "Hell yeah dude!"

by Blumpkin power January 17, 2009

40👍 19👎

Alaskan Corndog

An Alaskan Corndog is the act of having a person with diahrea shit into a cup roughly the same length as your erect penis. Then you shove your erect penis into the diahrea and then it is cut off and held in place by tape. Let it all freeze over night, in the morning shove a sharp stick in through the dick. You then have an Alaskan Corndog.

Oh man I hope I never have to eat an Alaskan Corndog.

by Jar Boy December 30, 2011

32👍 15👎