Source Code

Matt Cox

A tall mother fucker respects Hitler if he doesn't like you he will fuck you up big time.

If he likes you he will fuck you no matter what.

"I'm so fuckin' scared of that kid"
"Yeah he's a Matt Cox stay the fuck away from him"

by EdtleScars September 5, 2017

aiden cox

the top rated pornstar on tinyteens.com for three years in a row

person 1: bro I just saw the new aiden cox porno on tinyteens, it was awesome
person 2: yeah he has a massive dick

by welcometotheghetto February 27, 2019

matthew cox

A gaysexual fuccboi who loves anime and cant stop memeing

that weeb matthew cox

by ahaha prank February 6, 2017

Josh Cox

Josh Cox is every elementon the periodic table and can be used to describe anything. When you see something funny you say “JOSH!”

Hears something funny JOSH. Also “haed, daed, and baed” are Josh’s favorite words and recliners are his favorite. Thats Josh Cox

by TheLeatherRecliner June 22, 2018

cox orbit

When a dude swings his dick around

I.e. The helicopter

Jay thought it was funny to cox orbit his dick

by lil drippa February 8, 2016

Amy Cox

Vinny's bitch

Whose that?
It's Amy Cox, Vinny's bitch

by JimothyRizzo February 6, 2019

Carl Cox


Carl Cox is god

by millsart August 8, 2022