An ibn darawiish is the son or daughter of a Dhulbahante or SSC parent
She's ibn darawiish
An ina darawiish is the offspring of a Dhulbahante or Maakhtumo person
they're ina darawiish
jamaahiir darawiish refers to the SSC-Khatumo community
they're the jamaahiir darawiish
Darawiish faith refers to a firm conviction that SSC-Khatumo state institutions will come to fruition
they showed their darawiish faith
Darawiish nationalism refers to a nationalistic allegiance towards SSC-Khatumo state
he depicted his darawiish nationalism in various manners
Gobol Darawiish consists of the following four provinces, Bookh, Haylaan (or Boharo), Sool and Cayn.
Its a gobol darawiish
Darawiish chauvinism is a form of SSC-Khatumo supremacy
he was reprimanded for the darawiish chauvinism