On the day February 8th you get to post all the fake friends you have no offence to the people who get posted.
“Have you heard it’s national fake ass friends day today today will be great ”
If you have a best friend go kiss them on August 13 doesn’t matter if they a boy or girl
(bbf) what day is it?
(gbf) August 13
(bbf) okay well its National kiss a best friend day
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On October 30, it is time for the short friends to get their revenge. Start kicking every friend you have that is taller than you!
Short friend: *kicks tall friend*
Tall friend: "What was that for?"
Short friend: "It's 'kick your tall friend day'."
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National Girl Best Friend Day is December 1st. On this day you should show great appreciation towards your girl best friend. Send her flowers, a thank you paragraph, or any other gift of appreciation.
Boy best friend: Whats today?
Girl best friend: Its national girl best friend day silly!
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15 april may you walk over to your friend and fart on him or her
Walks over farts on his friend "YO WTF!, YOURE DISGUSTING!!" "yo chill its national fart on your friend day"
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National Boy Best-Friend Day takes place on the 2nd June. It’s a day where you appreciate you’re boy best friends, wether that’s on snap, ig, over text or in person.
If you don’t already have a boy best friends, June 2nd is your day to find one!
Girl: ‘It’s national boy best-friend day, I appreciate everything you do for me and all our laughs, love you!’
Her boy best-friend: ‘Thanks!’
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Hey! It’s bully your shortest friend day!
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