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Black Elitist

The kind of black person who looks down on other black people. In most cases the only examples of black people they have are Niggas and Coons. And can rarely find any Sensible black people around. so they assume they are all bad.

Elitist : I swear the only reason people go to public events is for the free food cause niggas love free food
Random Guy: I don't care, you're such a Black Elitist . You forget you're black too!

by Waffleking72 September 22, 2015

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Metal Elitist

An insult used on a person who knows alot bout Heavy Metal, because he refuses to accept the insulter's favorite Grindcore Punk band as being part of this music genre.

"Metal Elitists" are usually described as being rude. This might be true or not depending on how long they have been listening to Heavy Metal and the character of the person itself. A "Metal Elitist" who has been listening to Heavy Metal for example 7 years are actually the usual ones being bullied.

Dude1: - "DAMN, Avenged Sevenfold is the greatest 'Metal' band THAT EVER LIVED!"

Dude2 (supposed Metal Elitist): - "I don't think they are Heavy Metal, they're more like a combination of Hardcore Punk intrumentals with Emo Punk vocals, and a small but not significant touch of Heavy Metal. I would call them Punk.

Dude1: - "ZOMG, what are you talking about? THEY MAKE NOISE! Therefore, THEY'RE METAL! YOU ELITIST! I bet you think those old fucks Black Sabbath are Metal! LOL, you're weird.

by theonewholikesmusic January 12, 2012

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elitist thug

one who feels/acts superior in the ways of an elitist but wears trashy attire or acts noticeably more ghetto and "comes out" at night

mallika went to haverford and became a total shawty who plays squash in coca cola boxers. what an elitist thug.

by strasssss August 31, 2010

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Metal Elitist

Metal Elitist is a term made up by people that hate die hard Metal fans that are 100% Metalheads. These anti-Metal people want them to go hand in hand with the idea of all being assholes.

A real Metal Elitist is a person that only loves and listens to Metal while not supporting any other type of music in any way. Yet, most people have an extremely negative view of this idea because Metal Elitists can be rude or posers pretending to be Elitists.

The biggest genres that Metal Elitists usually attack is Deathcore, Metalcore, Nu-Metal, and Rapcore. Many believe Deathcore is a rival of Death Metal which makes seniority and skill come to mind. Metalcore is compared to an Emo like style of vocals/musicianship. Nu-Metal is believe to be the biggest sellout genre to mainstream (non-Metal) audiences. Rapcore has rapping as vocal style and Rap has always been the nemesis of Metal.

Metal Elitist: Rage Against The Machine beyond sucks... They are not 100% Metal!
MTV Fan: Fuck you Metal Elitist, Rage Against Da Machine is Da Shit, Biiiiitch!

Emo-Fan: Dude, Avenged Sevenfold is so hard rock man...
Metal Elitist: No they are not... They incorporate an Emo-like-style to me... Yep, they are Metalcore.

Deathcore Fan: Deathcore is the hardest thing ever in Metal...
Metal Elitist: No its not, Death Metal is...
Deathcore Fan: No, its Deathcore...
Metal Elitist: No, its Death Metal... It has been around longer and focuses more on playing skills.
Deathcore Fan: So does Deathcore.
Metal Elitist: Hell No! Its not Hall of Fame material...

by The Solid Truth September 19, 2014

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Marijuana Elitist

One who believes they are better than others simply because he/her uses marijuana. They believe that marijuana is the solution to everything, and tend to look down on those who choose not to use marijuana. Marijuana elitists also believe that marijuana is not a drug, but an herb, obviously not knowing the definition of a drug.

Marijuana elitist: "Marijuana isn't a drug, it's an herb. It's the healing of a nation, and it should be legalized."

Guy: "Cool story bro. Go make me some toast."

by biffwebster June 21, 2011

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intellectual elitist

One who claims to have background knowledge about a subject and is therefore more qualified in his/her opinions. Elitists generally believe they are morally superior to everyone else and their proclamations are to be accepted without reservation.

The term intellectual elitism has recently been attributed to globalists pushing for an agenda that recognizes environmental change without having prerequisite facts to support their claim. With the media attack against US President-elect Donald Trump, we see a continued progressive bias against informed, educated citizens.

An example of an intellectual elitist would be Barack Obama, or Nancy Pelosi, or perhaps Chuck Schumer.

The intellectual elitist told the audience the government was there to help.

by John Rebb March 9, 2017

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1. The idea that society should function completely within itself and everyone in it should contribute, those who don't can get out

2. Some one that see everyone outside of their social group as less intelligent and inferior.

3. White males

Guy 1: Why should I pay for that guy when he doesn't work?
Guy 2: Because that is the way the system works..
Guy 1: Well I'm a hyper-elitist , he should get kick out !

by Hyper-elitist November 5, 2010

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