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Someone who choses to do some thing that makes her unhappy just to keep her friend happy. A wonderful person.

Me- but if this is what makes you happy then this is what you should do
Em - But i dont deserve to be happy

by TheDman! January 9, 2013

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(n.) A collective term referring to everyone who has directly or infirectly contributed to the fucked up shit in your life. It may also be referred to formally as "them" or alternatively as "they."

A. : So, heard the higher-ups terminated your contract. Sucks. Any idea what you're going to do next?

B. : Fuck 'em (them). I've been dying to join Cirque du Solei anyway. That Michal Jackson Experience sounds like the SHIT.

by MizBunny May 11, 2014

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Enlightened Moron: Someone who sees an obsolete Truth Video and then preaches to spin like they are the first to hear anything about it.

Then the EM came in and told us all about how blind we were that the aluma naughties are meeting at Build-a-Burger and we need to stop it.

by NewCenturion February 14, 2010

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Emely is the best girl you will ever meet. She has a heart made out of gold, and although she can be quite a bitch at times, she will always find a way to make you laugh. One of the funniest girls you will EVER meet. Although her bright attitude might get to your head, she is a depressed hoe. Other than that, she's chill as fuck. Any boy would be honored to have their heart broken by her, (I would know.) It is a privilege to date an Emely. If you ever get the chance to date her, keep her! She is so loving and once she likes you, she will treat you like a king (which you don't deserve to be treated as.) She is very hard to get, and not because she tries to be, she just likes to get to know someone before doing anything with them. When she's not in a relationship, she loves to hoe around.She has the best music taste, but it can vary from super chill beats to music you would listen while doing a super satanic ritual. Either way, her music taste is fuego. Last but DEFINITELY NOT least, she has the BIGGEST booty. That shit is soft as fuck! It feels like a pillow filled with millions of feathers from the holiest angels in heaven. If you ever slap that, your hand will turn into a thousand doves and they will fly away into the beautiful sunset. Emely's booty was sent from the gods above, and anyone that gets to clap those cheeks is the luckiest person on Earth. Emely is one of the best girls out there.

Have you talked to Diana? She's such an Emely!

by comethazinehoe May 30, 2019

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Emely is a name youโ€™d hear and you canโ€™t help but smile when she crosses your mind. She is the most sweet, caring and amazing person youโ€™ll probably come across. And has the best music taste. Sheโ€™ll always be there during tough times and has the most gorgeous smile and great personality.

Emely pees in the shower.

Emely loves pandas

by Neel Mandal March 19, 2023

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The type of girl to have mental breakdown and cut her hair or dye it and itโ€™ll look good, super shy but super sweet, never eats, but hangs out with people who enjoy to eat 24/7. DRUNK life of the party when sheโ€™s drunk, super lightweight. Can also be the mom of the group and make sure you donโ€™t choke on your puke when youโ€™re drunk. Keep an Emely in your life

Emely drinks too much, but itโ€™s okay sheโ€™s super sweet

by Drunk gal 101 September 5, 2019

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Shagging someone called Em. Could also be refered to as 'Emming'

I proper Emmed that girl.

by SMITS March 26, 2008

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