Thou mightiest tis` thee nation that will tis` destroy thy french scallywags.
Thou fugel French shall be put tis` subject to thy British throne. They watch tis` groke as we feast on thou massive feasts. Thy mumpsimus French sall be executed to defend thou KING HENERY Vlll, they send snollygosters into thy parliament to make us subject to "LoUiS" of the Francish Empirium. FOR EngLand!
Nick Crompton: England is my city!
English government: You are no longer a citizen of England.
A city for Nick Crompton, where talentless rappers who wear torn trash clothes live!
England is a CITY that is part of the United Kingdom.
Famous say, Nick C: England is my city!!
Rainer than a shower and colder than a freezer
I live in England......