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Mickey Mouse Faggotry

Something that is unlikely that happens at an opportune moment, generally benefits one person or party involved in the situation and would offend and upset the other persons or parties involved...

Guy 1: Hey me and Lisa are totally going on a date on Saturday!

Guy 2: Dude WTF! She totally told me she was busy this weekend, Knock it off with this Mickey Mouse Faggotry! Like seriously Bro. Take that magical Disney Horse Crap back to the Club House!!!

by Jawziemotto April 21, 2010

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level 10 faggotry

I term used generally used to define something as stupid or dumb.

David: Did you hear about the xbox mafia?
Brian: Yeah, why?
David: They killed someone because he bought a PS4.
Brian: Anyone who joins them, is a direct representation of Level 10 faggotry

by TheIsoFreeloader September 28, 2015

random act of faggotry

the act of being a faggot who walks around the internet spraying shit.

by bastardized bottomburp May 2, 2003

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Being a faggot and putting words found in any dictionary on Urban Dictionary.



explosives meant to annoy your neighbors.


"I hate that geezer, he got mad at me just for shooting his dog. It was only an M80."

Wow. You sure do love your Urban-Dictionary-Faggotry

by dogpiss July 5, 2011

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Accidental faggotry

Kyle wood

Kyle wood keeps engaging in accidental faggotry while at work.

by Kylewoodfrombayonet December 20, 2023

Accidental faggotry

When a dude acts too gay around others on accident.

Kyle Wood keeps engaging in accidental faggotry around the shop by getting too close to other guys and saying gay shit. On accident.

by Kylewoodfrombayonet December 20, 2023

Accidental Faggotry

When a man/manchild claims to accidentally display signs of male affection and sexual interest.

That guy in the yellow shirt touches my hand every time he's working around me. He says he doesn't mean to, but I think it's a case of accidental faggotry.

by Kylewoodfrombayonet December 26, 2023