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San Andreas Fault

A really BIG vagina usually on a fat whore

Levi visited the San Andreas Fault for his vacation.

by Johnny Slots April 25, 2008

8πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

I heard it's Obama's fault

The logic that slack-jawed voters use when any political conversation arises. From the price of gasoline to the outcome of their mixed martial arts matches; it's all Obama's fault.

Political persuasion aside, there is clearly a strong negative relationship between intelligence and hate for Obama.

Normal guy: "Oh my gosh! That building is on fire!"

Drooling retard: "I heard it's Obama's fault. He wasn't even born in America. Not even a 'murican!!! I even seen on TV that he's a MUSLIM!!"

Fat republican: "No, stupid. He's a communist. He wants people to PAY FOR HEALTH INSURANCE. I got every right to eat as much as I want. As long as I can pay for my allpurinol, I'm gonna keep the gout at bay. I heard it's Obama's fault."

Normal guy: "Is there a functioning brain between the two of you?"

Drooling retard: "I have a big truck. I heard it's Obama's fault."

Fat republican: "I like eating. And money. It's Obama's fault nomnomnom ow my gout nomnom"

by ttmike42 October 13, 2012

20πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

San Andreas Fault Line

The San Andreas Fault Line is a sexual maneuver where a male spreads his partner's buttcheeks and proceeds to defecate in his partner's spread buttcrack. Once he has finished, he then presses his partners's buttcheeks together. He then proceeds to shake his partner's butt in any way he can, which can include but is not limited to shaking or slapping. While he is doing this, he is screaming "EARTHQUAKE". After he is finished, he calculates how much feces escaped the buttcrack during the earthquake and gives it a rating on the Richter Scale.

"When my girlfriend said we should go to California to see the San Andreas Fault Line, I didn't expect an earthquake THAT big."

by MuhProphecy January 8, 2014

17πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

It's all Al Gore's fault

Response to any environmental anomaly blaming Al Gore for bringing it to our attention. At the same time sarcastically claiming that if he hadn't brought it up the anomaly wouldn't have occurred.

A) I can't believe it's 60 degrees in Chicago and snowing in Dallas.

B) It's all Al Gore's fault.

by piepton January 17, 2008

18πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

curt n rayver's fault

A word that can change your life. It is used when you do something stupidness or when there's something bad happened to you. It became habit to blame them because basically, it is their fault. By this word, you don't need to blame yourself because it is curt n rayver fault.

Maria is pregnant and her parent is mad at her; curt n rayver's fault
I hate myself because I'm ugly; curt n rayver's fault again

by Twice Boom Boom February 23, 2021

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Frozen Christchurch fault line

While recieving a wristie a girl rubs an ice cube up and down the line of your arse and then randomly shoves it into your epicentre causing you to violently rumble and shake, spraying your load everywhere and finishing with your eyes rolled back in your head and sighing "oh oh christ"

Matt: "Thinking about doing the frozen Christchurch fault line with Kristie"

Ben: "too soon buddy, too soon"

by KiNGY_83 February 25, 2011

My bad, your fault

When one person makes a mistake, but admits fault while placing the blame and/or responsibility on someone else, mostly to avoid responsibility while often putting the scapegoat in an awkward situation.

Derek: Damn, man. Not only did Alan forgot to tell me that a specifications changed and all the work that I did this week is now useless, he asked me to do mandatory overtime this weekend since apparently it’s his turn to have his daughter, and he threatened to fire me if I told management what really happened.

John: So a "my bad, your fault" situation. What a jackass!

by edw007 June 27, 2022

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