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Proper Name, Celebrity, preceeds Q. Goodness. A gentleman who has triumphed over evil, fooled Azhar into listening to Sir-Mix-A-Lot and brings a little ray of sunshine into the sleepy town of Oakville, Ontario.

When Donut saved those orphans and then sold them into the slave trade, we thought he was pretty great.

When I grow up, I want to be like Donut Q. Goodness

by Donut Q. Goodness January 18, 2004

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Slang word that is mostly used in public places such as work, school, and even around your younger siblings that means "Marijuana."

"Hey wanna have some donuts later after work?"

*parents sitting on the other side of the room*

"Hey Colette, are you getting more donuts later?" "Yeah, this time I'm getting an o."

by jimcarreysgirl July 29, 2014

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A member of the female sex. Scholars maintain its origins are derived from the German word "donitze" meaning vagina.

Jill is such a tight donut bro. I totally glazed that shut last night.

by cheesemangrill December 8, 2010

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the number 0, usually used in competitive sports.

"yo whats the score?"

"4-donut my lead"

by God in the Flesh January 13, 2007

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When your ass is not properly wiped, u get a red ring around your cornhole. It can be extremely painful, or bleed, which would b a jelly donut.

Man i didn't wipe enough, now i got a donut.

by Josh Margareet November 14, 2008

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A stupid asshole like a Poofer's shit.

You's a fucking donut!

by Chew my fat August 6, 2006

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a fat large round person

Your a fat ass donut!

by the king antonio April 1, 2008

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