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Fossilized racism

Generational racism found in the middle aged and elderly. They are honoring hate their parents gave them. Like any fossil, they try to hide - only to show up in weird places.

Angela was horrified to realized her father’s fossilized racism.

by Angiece June 23, 2020

fossil boner

When you’re so old you nutt ashes.

“That guy is so old, he has a fossil boner!”
So ....like when you’re going down on a girl but she’s so old she’s dry like the Mojave.

by Chjdkahsbd February 16, 2019

Fossil dog

An old ass dog, usually from aged 10 and up the same dog you've had since you were in 1st grade.

"Damn how old is your dog it looks like a fossil"

"Yep its a fossil dog"

by meletonian April 14, 2024