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This is the group of people I have compiled a list of to be assassinated during the revolution. Who's with me. The oil industry, media, medicine, political cock-smokers, anyone who uses children to promote their own welfare,people who use old people and minority issues just like the child users, every one of them who promised something and didnt deliver and te ones who stopped them, all of them must die and I want the blood on my hands!

At least as long as I can find something else to wipe it on, like a dead party-members shirt or something...

We, the government, care about your children, thats why 10% of the population owns 90% of the wealth. -- die!!!

lunesta, ambien,cialis,war in country here every 3 seconds on tv, also called brainwashing when "they" talk about other countries doing it but ok for them to do it. Just start counting how many times key words are repeated in commercials and the news and watch as the US slowly but surely insinuates that iran and syria are behind hezbollah so that they have an excuse to invade iran for oil which makes those 10% even more rich and will leave us paying 4-5 fucking dollars at the pump even though we have the power to say fuck you to these people if everyone got off of their damn asses, or just stayed on their asses and no one went anywhere at all and no one bought any fucking gas or anything, of course they would just starve us out in the city as we are completely at their mercy to get food, think long and hard about your real position in life here people, this is no wild insane rant. They do only what is necessary to uphold the illusion that they give a miniscule shit about you and that only to support their interests. There's just a taste of what I'm talking about.

Bring on the revolution!!!!!!!

by dick.nasty August 14, 2006

44๐Ÿ‘ 54๐Ÿ‘Ž


fags,gay homos etc

the government are dirty fags

by sick of the lying thieveing satanic buttfuckers December 6, 2003

39๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž


The subtle name given to a large mafia, taking protection money and a good percentage of your paycheck just for living on their turf and will kill you or send you into a big building with rapists if you refuse

Stupid government is taking my entire paycheck for protection money

by mclovin316 April 13, 2009

34๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž


An evil organization devoted to, even in a land that's supposed to be ruled by freedom, giving ultimate power to one human being.

by Not Proud to be an American April 24, 2003

67๐Ÿ‘ 92๐Ÿ‘Ž


people who like to ruin everything that is fun in our country

by Anonymous December 6, 2002

31๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž


Currently, a body of people charged with the administration of a given society, who may claim to be official and legitimateโ€”and who think they take action in the public interestโ€”but who are, in fact, not genuinely official, as they hold office at the whim of public mood; certainly not legitimate, as they authorize action contrary to life and the laws of nature; and generally not public-spirited, as they frequently ignore the concept of the common good in their deliberations.

The chief executive of the US federal government lied to US citizens and the world to start a war for the interests of a certain few business entities and perhaps his own low self-esteem, and with the complicity of the US Congress, systematically murdered many thousands of people in the pursuit of freedom and democracy for those people and brought international disrespect toward his own nation, and promulgated more violence in an already troubled world.

by Pyotr August 8, 2006

32๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act, process, or power of governing; government.

โ€œRegaining a sense of the state is thus an absolute priority, not only for an effective policy against... terrorism, but also for governance itselfโ€ (Moorhead Kennedy).

by Tomasz P. October 27, 2006

7๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž