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grunge bud

Grunge bud is some of the best bud smoked.
Also a good way for those knowing little from getting into your bud.

Sorry dude, this grunge bud is just to stoney for you.

by kath955 December 8, 2010

grunge girl

There can be two types of grunge girl. The 1st is the original style of grunge, taking pointers from the kinder whore and riot Grrrl look of the nineties. The 2nd is the more modern, Goth and nu-metal influenced style, which can be more effectively described as greebo.

Original Grunge Girl: L7, Bikini Kill, Babes In Toyland, Mudhoney, Hole, Sound garden, Alice In Chains, Black Flag, Skin Yard, TAD, Sonic Youth.
Greebo Grunge Girl: Slipknot, Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit, Marilyn Manson, Nine Inch Nails.

Original Grunge Girl: Ripped, floaty dresses, bright tights, stompy boots or Chucks, dirty jeans, maybe a leather jacket, punk skirts.
Greebo Grunge Girl: Black, black, black, baby. Black+ Baggy= Very happy greebo.

Original Grunge Girls: Going to underground rock shows, drooling over hot as hell grunge guys, reading political websites, partying to Black Flag, having crushes on other girls, hating/adoring Courtney Love.
Greebo Grunge Girls: Listening to Slipknot, skating, hating but secretly fancying emo boys.


Original Grunge Girl:
“Woo! I love to party!”
“All men are assholes!!!!”
“Fuck you, corporate America!”
“Oh my God, Kathleen Hanna, I love you!”
“Want some pot?”
“I like fucking!”
“Who wants to watch a Gregg Araki movie?!”
“That guy is so hot. Shame he’s gay. Ahh, well…”
“Hey there…loan me that Mudhoney album and I’ll love you long time”

Greebo Grunge Girl:
“Slipknot are good.”
“NIN feel my pain.”
“Wow, I would totally hit on that hot boy wearing the floor length leather jacket but I suffer from low self esteem” *sniff*
“Fuck you.”
“Taking Back Sunday are fucking pussies.”

Original Grunge Girls are hard to find but they’re a lot more fun.
Trust me. *wink*.

Random Guy:"I wish I could score a grunge girl."
Some guy in background: HAHA!

by bandanasarerad January 22, 2007

254👍 95👎

Grunge Poetry

a form of poetry free of any actual literary rules. a cluster fuck of styles & inspirations. usually involving the darker elements of modern day society. coined by author devin pugliano

"fuck sunshine & butterflies. i'll just stick to writing grunge poetry."

by Luicide October 19, 2008

16👍 3👎

Grunge Puppy

A band formed outside of Philadelphia in late 2017. Grunge Puppy is known for their grungy songs (go figure), their stage presence live (throwing themselves on the floor, solos behind head) and their interesting personalities outside of music!

Person A: Have you heard of the band “Grunge Puppy”?
Person B: That’s a dumb name...
Person A: You obviously don’t listen to many bands do ya?

by *Definitely Not Grunge Puppy* September 9, 2018

12👍 2👎

post grunge

A term used to describe a sub-genre of rock music that has been inspired by original grunge music.

Sadly, many fans of original grunge dislike post grunge music since they feel that post grunge bands have "watered down" their music and made it "radio friendly" or basically in a way sold out to mainstream music. Unfortunately this is somewhat true. Just as with any genre of music, there are bands that are willing to give up their unique musical style and creativity that gives their music it's power just to make it in the music industry. However, this does not apply to all post grunge bands.

A lot of the post grunge sound is simply an evolution in music. Just as grunge was inspired from rock music such as punk and metal, post grunge is an inspiration of grunge music and another genre such as metal, heavy metal, soft rock, blues, etc.......which ever the band would like to use to express themselves.

As long as the band is putting their heart & soul into their music, there is nothing wrong with a post grunge style. Post grunge bands deserve equal respect. Not every person will have the same taste in music.

Grunger 1: Uhhh......I don't like post grunge music. It sounds watered down and mainstream.....like they sold out to the music industry. It's kinda insulting to grunge music.

Grunger 2: Yeah a lot of bands have.....but not all. Some are just incorporating another style of music with good old grunge. Doesn't mean they're compromising the creativity and emotion they put in their music. They're just playing their music in a way that they feel expresses them best. Candlebox, Bush, and Seether are a few of my favorite post grunge bands.

Grunger 1: Hmmm......yeah I think you've got a point there. I'm just not really fond of that particular sound I guess.

by Grunger Grrrl December 13, 2010

47👍 15👎

grunge scream

when someone fucking blows out their throats into the microphone in a spine-tingling, heart pulling, mind numbing moment of pure beauty and awe.

In "Where did you sleep last night?" by Nirvana, Kurt does one of the best grunge screams ever, from 3:44 in the youtube vid to the end of the song. Even better; go look up "Kurt Cobain scream medley" on youtube. First vid there. THE BEST EVER.

" Ohmigod. I just orgasmed a little."

by THE REAL Grungegirl August 9, 2009

30👍 9👎

fairy grunge

is a trendy aesthetic that includes clothes like: long skirts; crop tops; hoodies; sage and brown items; mary janes; doc martens; rings; etc.

Juniper: my dream aesthetic is fairy grunge, but i dont have any money to achive it.

Ophelia: i heard that thrift/pound shops have lots of clothes like that!

by u can all suck my dick <3 May 28, 2021

13👍 2👎