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high school

a place where everyone is broken up into separate tribes/cliques/crews/posses/etc. usually a clique would have this kind of layout: leader->advisor->members->new recruits->weakest links

the leader: the head honcho in the pack. he/she holds the power in the group. everyone wants to be his/her friend. forget him, he doesn't need you.

the leader's advisor: the best friend of the leader, keeps the leader posted on every happening inside and outside the clan. usually the guy to talk to if you need a favor from the leader

members: the "everyone else" in the clan. some are blindly loyal to their clan leader while others claim they're not followers, but in reality they're lost without the clan. they're usually at the beck and call of the leader

new recruits: the newest initiates within the tribe. they're like the little brothers/little sisters within the tribe. because they're new, they're usually exempt from most of the tribe's happenings. after a month or so, they're elevated to "member" status and thus lose some of the privileges they had as the new guys.

weakest links: the lowest part of the clan, they don't have a say in the tribe and are most often the pack mules/errand boys. they're desperate for someone who'll listen to them, so if you wanna become a member of a clique, talk to one of these guys and then work your way up.

If you wanna be popular in high school, then here's what you do:

-Find the weakest link
-Befriend him/her
-Start sitting with him/her at the popular clique's table at lunch (You made it to *new recruit*
-Gradually they will stop being bothered by your presence at the lunch table and will consider you as one of their own. (Congratulations, you made it to *member* status)

by teh5abiking December 30, 2011

46๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

high school

place where your a nobody if you don't wear designer clothes, our exceptionally gorgeous, amazing at a popular sport, Have tons of money and or just a complete bad ass. Ugly girls constantly act like there beautiful and that their obnoxious opinions matter. All the cool kids want to do is smoke and get fucked uo on the weekends in the mornings everyone huddles together in to little circle at the end of the hallways where everyone talks about alcohol and how high they got over the weekend and how cool there clothes are. We try to act as if were not conforming by being skaters or goths but really were just as bad as the conforming preps. Everyone is a constant war with everyone. creating a pathetic subculture completely pointless and depressing. the only people who enjoy high school are those on the very top of the social pyramid for everyone else high school sucks.

high school

Prep: Dude i pounded like 20 four lokos friday night and then i hooked up with some chick, chyeahh prettty successful weekend.

Ugly girl: "OMG hes so ugly, shes such a slut, look at my northface jacket aren't i so hot!!! Nobody even likes you!"

normal kid: Your not even good looking i can't even take you seriously

dumb girl: "I love my boyfriend of 2 days more than anything in the world we will be in love for eternity."

normal kid: how long untill graduation i fucking hate this

by mirage28 December 20, 2010

18๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

High School

1. Prepare to watch helplessly as all your hopes and dreams crash and burn.

2. Any one who tells you high school wasn't "that bad" or is "better than the real world", is a lying douche bag. But do not hold this against them, because they are obviously high school graduates. And after your four years of hell are up, you will automatically be transformed into, a lying douche bag just like the rest of the adult population.

Jean: Wow Liz seems to be taking her 50th birthday really hard.

Dorris: Yeah I know, she must feel like she did back in high school, like all of her hopes and dreams have crashed and burned right before her very eyes and it's too late to save them.

Jean: Oh Dorris, don't be so grim! High school was great!

Dorris *Thinks to self* Thank god i dropped out of that dump before it was too late.

by prettttybob December 11, 2009

18๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

high school

high school is the most boring thing ever invented... i have no clue who once thought it was a good idea!?

1: hey dude lets go to school
2: what school?
1: high school
2: hell no! thats bullshit!

by dropped-out! January 14, 2005

85๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

High School

Allow me to tell you a little story about an incident that occurred last year while I was a freshman in college.

While visiting my Mom back in my hometown, I ran into Jack, once quarterback and alpha-male at my old high school. He looked at me at contempt, due to the fact that I personally said 'fuck you' and gave the him finger too on Graduation Day. So I walked up to him, said it again, and walked away like nothing happened. And I didn't give two shits about it the next day because I'm out of that fucking parasite known as high school, he doesn't have any empowerment over my social standing like he once did and I don't have to give a flying fuck about what he's going to say on Facebook about this anymore. Fuck him, fuck his friends, fuck High School, thank God I'm out.

That is High School in retrospect. The worst four years in your life, yet the most important. If you survive, than you will be the stronger for it. If you were like me, escaping high school feels like bliss, like being let loose after living in a caged for years. High School is a bitch, no doubt about it, but don't let it get to you. There's a finish line at the end and there's nothing anyone can do about it.

by Duke Undergrad January 4, 2011

31๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

high school

a place where a bunch of white ass prep girls and guys who think that their better than everyone else just because they have more friends or money than people and the principals and teachers don't fucking bother at all because their worried about the black or latin people....The only place where racism is allowed.

(prep/jock)rich people who think that their better than everyone else....some are alright
(punk) wannabe goths
(goths) people who are really into heavy metal and the color black
("gangster") people who are into rap and shit like that, who don't really care
(wangster) people who try too hard to be gangsterish...usually consits of white peole
(geeks/dorks/nerds/ect.) people who get made fun of just because they are the smartes in the class....are into pokemone, yu-gi-oh, everquest/ shit like that
("cool people") are the people that everyone thinks is cool but when it comes down to it there just like the preps.
(unkowns) people who don't give a fuck for reals, they could care less what your social status you are labled under. they just like to kickback with their friends and get their shit taken care of...

by pablo January 9, 2005

214๐Ÿ‘ 72๐Ÿ‘Ž

High school

Where you go to get jumped, high, pregnant, or killed.

High School is the worst!

by Pynklemonade December 8, 2018

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