The water which many men have been baptized in on a 'hinge date' or 'tinder date'. This water is usually a shower, bathtub, swimming pool, or dirty hot tub ect.
Ex. 1 "Don't dunk your head in the hinge-water. You might catch feelings or HIV."
Ex. 2 "Oh man, did you hear Jake took a simp dip in the hinge-water at that one girls exes house?", "Yeah and he got friend zoned right after that."
Ex. 3"Bro I had to take a shower as soon as I got home from that date. I realized her hot tub was the hinge-water."
When you insert the tip of your penis into a door hinge and slam the door shut, resulting in a pinched tip.
My favorite cock and ball torture is hinging
The aftermath of dried ejaculate on ones chest. Usually caused by ejaculating on your own chest followed by a nap.
The term comes from the sound when removing the dried semen off ones chest. The sound is that of a Crunchy Hinge.
Jordan had just woken up from his three hour nap. The semen from his chest had now solidified and adhered to Jordan's body. He then began to peel his Crunchy Hinge.
when u on hinge and you pull a mythical tier baddie
bro thats a mythical hinge pull
A phrase used to indicate to another person that they should stop being weird and deranged. Often, a gamer term that means, to stop being a weird, deranged player to a capable teammate.
"Hey asshole! Hinge Up!
"Hey! Hinge the fuck up!"
Edging to your matches on a dating app
Bro, I know you're struggling lately but the Hinge-ing has to stop, you're scaring your roommates.
A bad slag who would suck you’d sick to the hinge end.
Lad she’s naughty her yano, a proper hinge ender!