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people that understand this one life is the planets and we are just on it to do our part to make it better more peaceful harmony, animals are people, we are all in this together-
forever alone so do your part to help we could bring back paridise if we just could love and understand think for your self but care about other animals (humans too). Hippies understand and have an open mind about life, no judging people, wasting time- time is in your head. We were put here to take care of each other, the animals, and the planet. We are just animals that devolpe skills to use knowlodge to make the world a better, more beautiful, peaceful place... one world one love

I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world

All a hippie is someone who appreciate being part of this beautiful planet that everyone else doesn't really seems to care about anymore. you a 1 small object part of something much larger

by Mekana Opal March 17, 2007

42๐Ÿ‘ 50๐Ÿ‘Ž


Hippies are a primitive breed of human which came about through non-selective breeding and inbreeding which happened during the 1960's in many parts of America and the Western World in general. Distinguishing features among Hippies are long, uncombed hair; bright colored clothing; lack of footwear; jewelry consisting of beads and/or small pebbles held together by twine; and general uncleanliness. Many male Hippies also wear long beards.

Hippies are technologically challenged and have a limited grasp of simple machinery. As such they are usually seen operating bicycles, guitars, and older model automobiles which are often in a state of severe disrepair.

Hippies live in Communes which are small to medium sized villages consisting of primitive dwellings which may house as many as fifty to seventy-five individuals. Some Hippies will work to feed the larger group, however most spend their days lounging about, listening to music, using drugs, and mating in a random manner. Some Hippies engage in agricultural activity, namely the growing of their "Sacred Herb", a minor narcotic known as Marijuana.

There have been several large Hippie migrations in past years, however current populations are remaining sedentary with only a select few still traveling about the country. Some of these groups have splintered from the main species and are now called "Phishheads" in reference to their worship of a God called "Phish", in contrast to the traditional Hippie pantheon which consisted of an organization known as the "Grateful Dead".

Because of their unresponsible breeding habits and general lack of hygene, Hippies are known to carry many diseases. However Hippies are by and large harmless.

Hippies have no known predators: however there are several groups who they regularly come into conflict with. Namely the Fuzz, Squares, and Punks.

Some noted Hippies are Jerry Garcia: Tommy Chong: Ken Kesey: and Bill Clinton

by hoopsterinius April 4, 2007

53๐Ÿ‘ 66๐Ÿ‘Ž


The quintessential child from the "Me Generation". Gross, unhygienic, unhelpful, hobos in the 1960's and 70's. You can usually find them ranting and raving about non-issues, doing mind altering drugs, or getting AIDS from orgies in the forest. Usually the spawn of wealthy families, they decide that they hate their dad and want to be "different" so they run off to California to "experience life".

You can usually find them now at an incense shop or at a public school, as many of them became teachers to avoid the draft.

Modern day hippies who are not Boomers can be found in New Orleans around Mardi Gras. They will usually play some sort of instrument or sing in a raspy ruined voice that sounds like it is from a commercial advocating for people to stop smoking. They will ask anyone who walks by for money while they defecate on public side walks.

Hippie: "Heyy man, can I get some change?"

Me: "Please stop laying down in the middle of the sidewalk and begging every passerby for money."

Hippie: "Where's the love, man? Didn't you hear me play my guitar? People are just so materialistic and selfish nowadays, all I want is for society and people to expand their minds and see life from a different perspective. We're killing mother nature and no one seems to care. (blah, blah, blah, so on and so forth)"

by The Hangman's Trick February 10, 2020

6๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


A sorry excuse for a human being see dumbass, a hippie is the smelliest and most doped up type of human being that walks the earth. Although hippies somehow believe they live for a cause and their vision of peace will somehow be reached, they are just too high on acid and pot to realize that while they are conducting their stupid jam band festivals and drum circles peace is far, far, away and they smell way, way, too much.

Person 1: Hey man whats up with these hippies thinking that growing hair to excessive lengths, and making jam bands will create world peace.

Person 2: I don't know but they smell.

by Hippies must die January 8, 2006

75๐Ÿ‘ 99๐Ÿ‘Ž


a group of stoned out 1960s beatniks with long hair and beards smoking enough hemp to make them scoff back a 6ft long sandwich and shout abuse at The Government for corrupting society

John Turner of 117 park rd, Dunedin

by Brother Number One December 8, 2003

55๐Ÿ‘ 71๐Ÿ‘Ž


A follower of the san-francisco originated psychadelic scene of late 1960's. Pivotal ideals include: sexual liberation, personal freedom, equality and universal love.

Definitive people/groups associated: Grateful Dead, Jim Morrison, Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters.

It's cultural context developed a political maturity due to the Vietnam war, so staunch pacifist beliefs and anti-war marches became part of the agenda.

Stereotypical labels of hippies that a considerable amount of morons will suggest: dedicate their lives to smoking weed, smell and don't wash, live in weirdo isolated communes.

Various irritating notions or beliefs that I regard as misinterpretations or mistakes directed at this period include: the assumption that anything ever changed as a result of hippy protests, that music has since been worthless and artistically devoid of truth or passion and that the hippy counte-culture the culminating point of youth rebellion.

The hippy scene owes some of its heritage to the preceding "beat generation" a period born primarily through the writers: Jack Kerouac, William Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg and Neal Cassady (although he didn't actually write much). The beat writers advocated and were fixated and passionate about sexual liberation, personal freedom and a spiritual perception of reality much routed in Eastern philosophy and Buddhism (Kerouac mainly responsible for the spirituality). This was also the first mainstream demonstration of a counter-culture emerging in America.

The enjoyment of drugs was another important facet of the hippy scene, although in a manner much different to the stereotypical picture. Morrison's fascination with exploring and cleansing the "doors of perception" most eloquently explains this interest: there was a desire to penetrate into a higher state of consciousness.

To my mind the hippy era was a prolific and admirably impassioned literary and muscial epoque. Although those individuals attempting to reprise and regurgitate their heroes should observe how music and art has changed so as not to repeat the same indulgences. Still though very groovy times.

A hippy now is a person who wishes to continue these idea's, attitudes and patterns of behaviour despite the forty years that have passed and the innumerable cultural changes that have occurred. But still the intentions are true and pure, and the period really did rock.

(in the 60's)
Dude! check out those hippies all dropping acid, listening to "the end" and having an orgy! let's join in

by passenger May 13, 2005

12๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


Hippies are peace loving, dick sucking, assholes. The think that no matter the enviroment should be saved at the expense of normal people. Normal places of sightings include: vegetarian cafes, Ralph Nader rallies, protests, San Francisco, Porltand, Oregon, Greenwich Village, New York, France, Europe, poetry readings, pot circles, shitty music festivals, gay bars, tied to trees, flag burning parties, Reed College, UC-Berkley, any college, and jail

Hippies Suck Ass Dude

by allen oh March 28, 2005

60๐Ÿ‘ 78๐Ÿ‘Ž