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(n) a type of punishment utilized by teachers who are lazy as hell and cannot teach because they slept with their professor in order to obtain a degree

"Damn, my lazy-a teacher gave me homework tonight because I saved a fish"

by Vehement IB Student April 5, 2010

10๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


What you aren't doing right now.

I'll start my homework right after this...I swear...

by Shuckle_ July 29, 2009

14๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Something you have to do EVERY night after school when you should be goofing off watching Spongebob Squarepants or looking at porn on the internet!

Homework: Something that you should do to not make your brain look like a baby boy's penis.

by Eric June 10, 2004

108๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž


Easily the worst thing ever created. Designed by the school system to make sure kids have school on their minds 24/7. It's end results are depression, people kicking?punching things, crying, and lack of sleep.

Homework is good for 1 thing. An excuse to go to your friends house. School wouldn't be so terrible if we didn't have homewrk.

by kid1768 May 16, 2010

21๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


The ultimate end to "your time". Assigned by your evil teachers who aren't satifised that you put in 7 hours a day mon-fri of work that you would rather take a dump on than do. If somebody was prepared to do that with me I'd be pleased. But no. They decided that you can't get home from schhol, kick your shoes off and do what ever it is you wanna, you gotta start doing your homework. It makes me wanna puke. Some homework might actually be worth your valuble time. Other shit isn't. Pour exemple the subjects which you don't like/couldn't give a shit about/is not anything to do with what you wanna be when your older.
My maths teacher is the biggest bitch when it comes to homework. We have maths on mon,tues and weds. she expects our monday homework in on tues, and our weds h/w in on thurs morning. How unfair is that! see said if it changed, she'd have to see our homework on the tuesday instead of monday, and our class voted against that happening cos some people has stuff to do/more h/w than they have on a monday. I almost stood up and scream "FUCKS SAKE, JUST DIE MRS OWEN"
Homework has made me cry/lose sleep/kick things and hurt my own foot/want to top myself. It should be abolished.
I must point out however that some teachers are safe and don't set homework ever/very rarely/easy h/w. Those are the teachers I respect

*My class is sitting in Maths with Mrs Ford learning Trigononmetry*
Mrs Ford: Right, for homework I want exersise 2.2 questions 1-7 for next lesson please.
Me: How will this subject help in later life
Mrs Ford: If you wanted to work in construction
Me: Well I don't. I could be doing something useful in the time it takes me to do this stuff
Mrs Ford:*realises she got nowt to bring to me*
Shhhh and get on with your work, you're disrupting everyone else
Me: tuts and comtinues playing pac man on my phone

by Queen Of Sheeba October 8, 2006

259๐Ÿ‘ 90๐Ÿ‘Ž


The satanic torture device originally designed during the 1200's as a method of breaking down a person's mind and removing all sleep from their life to induce stress and insanity, now a perfectly acceptable tool to help 'enforce' material that students have already learned 15 times over again or to do the job of a teacher that was too lazy to do during the 7 hours given, or given over breaks because 180 days isn't enough to teach material. It is what you should be doing right now, only you were to pissed by your overload of zombifying material so you came to read definitions on Urban Dictionary that potentially share your pain. Homework also has the accolade of being ranked #2 in the worldwide list of ridiculously inhumane punishments seemingly accepted by modern society right after impalement by electrified molten spiders.

I forgot to teach my students thermonuclear astrophysics during class, let's make them learn it tonight for homework and have a quiz tomorrow.

by Blocksystem November 30, 2013


Something you probably should be doing right now.

A: If she gives us one more homework assignment, I'm gonna throw a book at her.
B: Word

by geodukemon April 22, 2013