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Steak Hooker

A woman who whores herself out for fancy dinners with steak and lobster. The higher the restaurant price the hotter she looks.

I went out with this girl and she was a total steak hooker, she wanted to go to Flemmings and when I said yes she got all dolled up for the occasion.

by Brendanbot5000 June 24, 2011

Hooker Tooth

Dentures. False teeth.

She left her hooker tooth on the back trunk of the cop car while being arrested.

by Gar Grim February 4, 2018


Jenna Thurmand fucking anybody in sight.

man that is one fat hooker

by chickalee October 2, 2004

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Hooker's Toothbrush

Gargling or drinking Peppermint Schnapps when no actual toothbrush is available for use, usually because a person has spent the evening in one or more strangers' beds.

Chloe begins every morning by using a hooker's toothbrush so that her mouth doesn't smell like jizz after she's been slutting it up all evening.

by SmallzTimerz April 26, 2012

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Blackjack and hookers

An exclamation When person A creates an institution person B thinks they can do better, person B exclaims that they will create the same institution but "with blackjack and hookers."

Bill: "Hey Zach, were you invited to John's party?
Zach: "That ass is having a party without ME?! Well fuck him, I'll have my own party with blackjack and hookers!"

by McGingie December 18, 2014

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Hostile Hooker

When you accidentally run over a hooker on your way to college and she starts to kick your car door.

Amy: β€œHow do we get rid of this hostile hooker?”
Person 2: β€œ Don’t worry she might die from all the pills she ingested today, what a dumb hoe”

by Amymamy December 9, 2020

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Hooker Hoagie

The act of throwing lunch meats at a hooker and trying to get them to stick.

Mark and Steve payed a little extra for the pleasure of throwing Salami and Bologna at Harris hoping to get them to stick thus making a Hooker Hoagie.

by rOYAL SMALLNESS October 25, 2019