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A made up word from misandrists that has no meaning and is used on men

Look at this incel

by Justaguy200 September 10, 2020

6👍 9👎


A racist sack of shit that believes all women owes him sex. Who refers to himself as an intellectual, and above anyone else. Who is so full of himself, having pride for his “superiority”. And always talking shit about what he defines as “chads” and “normies”. And often whines about being a virgin—believing that it is a worse “fate” than being under a dictatorship. Dramatic in so many ways

Person a (John)-Chris sits at home watching hentai all day, and complains about not getting laid, and how girls look for “Chads”.

Person B (Carl)-Sure John, Chris is an Incel

by Loooool7567 January 31, 2019

35👍 62👎


Some word social rejects use cause they dont know what it means.

Male : You want to kam even though men are the reason this country is the way it is now and why your alove

Alt girl : OMG INCEL ✨✨✨

by LittleFriskYT October 15, 2020

8👍 10👎


A portmanteau of involutary celibate. It refers to a man who doesn’t have the necessary qualities to get a woman to voluntarily have sex with him without paying her to do it.

It's worth noting the word has nothing to do

with bitterness, misogyny, hate, sexist, etc. There can be bitter and non-bitter incels, misogynistic and non-misogynistic incels, etc.

Both Josh and David are incels, although they're day and night: Josh is a sexist, misogynistic man while David is the most respectful person toward women you'd ever meet.

by TheUrbanSchollar May 27, 2021

5👍 5👎


A man who is involuntarily celibate. He will always believe that he can’t get laid because he’s not ‘attractive’ to women, when the real reason is that he has a terrible personality and acts like women owe him something for being a ‘nice guy’.

His resentment towards women is both dangerous and extreme. Sometimes this unwarranted vitriol for women and self-entitlement becomes so strong that it leads to terrorism.

This guy claimed he’s an incel and started calling all women superficial for not wanting to go on a date with him.

by justjae12 May 20, 2020

21👍 42👎


Typically females that think their lack of a sex life comes from being "ugly" or “fat” when its really just his blatant sexism and terrible attitude. Incels have little to no self awareness; even when they see other "ugly" girlfriends with men, they consider these women to be whores who simple settle for whoever. They’rerespectful to women and men are attracted to their personalities, but incels cant comprehend such a phenomenon, they believe that men owe them sex, and many of the more extreme incels like to spend time in incel communities on the internet where they complain about attractive females and how males should lower their standards and just mate with any willing female. They often come up with ways to coerce men into having sex with them (often involving genocide of people of color, genocide of "Brittany’s" (women who have sex), taking rights away from men, date raping them, having sex with men’s dead bodies, and other horrid, disgusting things. they cant understand that that is PRECISELY why men want nothing to do with them).

Liza is such an incel. She is always going on and on about how men don’t fuck her because she is chubby. In reality she is not only fat, tall, ignorant & smelly, but a femanist nazi who only views men as social beings created for sex & providing a life for them. Steven told me that her vagina smells of hot garbage even after she showers. She is so jaded that she even takes to the internet to create inaccurate posts & definitions for the soul purpose of degrading men. What a gross incel

by Spanishlove October 30, 2019

16👍 30👎


Always with the incels.

Not-cel "Oh boy oh jeez, look at those incels. Disgusting. Why do they hate women so much?"

Hym "Why do they hate the THINGS that are made deliberately difficult to be around and are punished for not being able to be around? Made difficult to be around by the things themselves. Made difficult to be around by society. And made biologically difficult to be around without fucking. And then punished for not being able to be around the thing that is being withheld. That's why."

Narcissist "It SHOULD be difficult. I SHOULD be special for doing it."

Hym "You're not. Your kids are not. And this is the ultimatum they want to give you: Pussy Dictatorship or Jesus Dictatorship (Which is basically just Diet Pussy Dictatorship). It's subjugation by fat cocks either way. Always choose the 3rd option. Reject Pussy Dictatorship by any means necessary."

by Hym Iam September 10, 2023

3👍 5👎