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Apple's newest attempt to take over the world with their crappy products. This time, however, they are focusing on the telecommunications industry. They dumbed down the world with the Mac, the oh-so-wonderful iPods, and now they've unleashed the iPhone, otherwise known as a PDA with phone capabilities.

It's $600 and it will be the worst $600 you will ever spend if you choose to get one. Even worse than the PS3, and that's saying something.

Person A: "Hey, did you see the new iPhone?! I used up most of my life savings to buy one, but it's so worth it! Check it out!"

Person B: "...so, you basically bought the $600 mutant offspring of a PDA and a cell phone?"

Person A: "No no, it's more than that! It can play music and surf the Internet and it has a revolutionary touch interface!"

Person B: "Oh right, let me rephrase: it's the $600 mutant offspring of a shitty iPod, a shitty Mac running a shitty new version of Safari, and the touch interface of a PDA. Right, sorry."

by Apple Sucks July 6, 2007

123๐Ÿ‘ 143๐Ÿ‘Ž


Having a stated fact immediately checked on the internet and proven false, most commonly with the help of an iPhone.
Having someone call bullsh** on something u said and showing proof on their iphone

Greg was showing off his history knowledge by stating that Zachary Taylor was the shortest serving President of the US but Tom whipped out his iphone and found out that Harrison was in fact the shortest serving President.
Greg had just been iphoned by Tom

by knight of darkness February 5, 2010

9๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


The only thing it seems to lack is a vagina.

If my iPhone had a vagina I'd probably need no girlfriend.

by franscene June 13, 2009

359๐Ÿ‘ 454๐Ÿ‘Ž


The process by which someone is ripped off and sold a product for more than its worth.

Joe walks into the office sporting his new iPhone, Bob has the cool new Mogul, realising he got ripped off upon seeing Bob's phone, Joe exclaimed "I got iPhoned"

by MysteryMan221 January 15, 2008

11๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


a worthless piece of shit for a wanna be windows mobile user.

only 2 kinds of people in this world have an iPhone:
1) Fags
2) Fags

hey look at me i have an iPhone, im a wanna be pussy who likes taking large penis in the ass!

by iphoneSucksDonkeyBalls January 12, 2010

56๐Ÿ‘ 59๐Ÿ‘Ž


the biggest peice of shit ever made. Its horrible touch screen mixed with way to many horrible features such as you tube and "Internet" provides a new way for twelve year old girls to text as if on a computer and look up Porn without their parents catching them. Might be the worst gift a parent could give to their child. And not to mention that it goes for 600 dollars

Douche/twelve year old girl- man the iphone frickin pwns newbs man! Ur samsung is affordable, reliable and has a battery life longer than ten minets but its still shitty cuz u can't go on myspace in class or text like aim! And I'm gangsta cuz my parents get my spoiled ass useless and expensive shit like this.

Person who is not a mindless conformist bastard- wow! I hate u now! U think taking scantily clad egg sized tits and putting them straight onto ur myspace is fun dont you? I thought so.

Douche/twelve year old girl- your totaly right I should get my head out of my ass and grow up thank you!

by Benatar pirate June 11, 2008

79๐Ÿ‘ 90๐Ÿ‘Ž


A less awesome version of the Blackberry cellphone that will break down every five seconds and makes you pay for every piece of software upon it.

iPhone user: "OMGOMG. Look at the ttly-awweeesome app I just got on my iPhone!"
Blackberry user: "...What does it do...?"
iPhone user: "It helps me track Miley Cyrus's exact movements through GPS. Isn't it Keeeewl."
Blackberry user: "STFU. I'm off to a buisness lunch with Chuck Norris."

by Mimi. March 14, 2009

55๐Ÿ‘ 62๐Ÿ‘Ž