Someone who robs people of there Juul device.
Me: yo i robbed that nigga caleb daniels for his juul this shit bussin!
My nigga: Damn bro u deadass a juul robber.
The act of being buzzed off a juul and drunk off alcohol.
Joel was so cross-juuled after chugging fireball and smoking 3 pods.
A girl that just wants a guy so she can use all his
JUUL pods.
bro that girl is deadass a feen for the juul all she wants you for is for your fucking pods
When the person wipes the mouthpiece of your vape before giving it back to you.
Daniel is a lit dude! He always does a juul wipe after he hits my vape!
High school kids robbing people for there juuls because they are highly addicted to the device.
Me: YO, I stained that ugly ass nigga caleb daniels for his juul at union square.
Nahmir: I love staining a juul!
The act of panicking whilst realizing one has lost their juul
Jared patted his pant pockets and did not feel his juul. He came to the conclusion it was lost. He went straight into juul panic.