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ladder of humiliation

The Ladder of Humiliation comes in many parts. This is the official* guide to what words to use when humiliating and/or embarrasing someone.

1. Diss- The lowest level of humiliating. Usually occurs when someone is made fun of. Example: when someone says "you're funny", and the other person replies with "you're funny looking". In other words, Dissing can be used alot, due to it's lack of power.

2. Face- According to my man Dylan Jones, this was used in the 70's. A proper definition can be found by clicking this: face. Upon reading the definition, i came to realize that this form of humiliation is stronger than 'diss', but weaker than the other rungs in this ladder.

3. Toast- Here's where we get into the outer planets of this solar system of humiliation. Toasting occurs when you prove someone wrong or beat them in a competition. Like if someone said "Steven Spielberg directed Star Wars", (dumbasses.) And then i proved them wrong by IMDB'ing Star Wars, and proved that George Lucas directed it, then i would be right, and i would have toasted the person. Toasting also is accompanied by the toasting motion. This is when you put your index and middle finger together, and move them up and down to simulate a 'toasting' motion. Toasting is followed by its bigger and badder brother, which is-

4. Roast- Roasting is slighty more extreme than toasting. Roasting is pretty much the same thing, just some degrees higher. Roasting has it's own motion. Do the same finger signals as 'toasting' but this time, use both hands, and turn them in a clockwise motion, to simulate the 'roasting'.

5. Smoke- Smoking is not necessarily humiliation, as it is you beating someone in a competition really badly. It's not as strong as the next few terms, but if you killed someone in a multiplayer game, or got a higher test score than someone, i guess you could say something along the lines of: "Dude, I smoked your ass!".

6. Own- Here's the big boys of humiliating. Own originated on the computers, and when you get owned, it usually means someone friggin kicked your ass in multiplayer, regardless of the game. You can also own people on tests and anything that requires competition with another person. You can own animals, by the way. You can also own objects, because if you buy them, then that means that you own them, and being bought is pretty embarrasing.

7. Pwn- Many people think 'Pwn' is just a misspelling of 'own'. Those people are stupid. Pwn is merely own x10. Pwn is exactly like Own, but it's more hardcore. Like, an example of owning would be in Halo if a flood killed me. Now, Pwning would be if I threw a grenade, then the Flood killed me, and the explosion of my grenade detonated all the other grenades and sent my flying all over the fuckin place. that's the key to pwning someone. You can Pwn people all the time, unlike our next one, which is.....

8. Pizzowned- This is the one that should be used most sparingly. I defined it here: pizzowned. That definition works as well. A Major example of someone being pizzowned is the New York Yankees. The Boston Red Sox really pizzowned the Yankees in the 2004 ALCS. They didn't pizzown the Orioles. We Pwned them.

So, there you have it. The official** ladder of humiliation.

(* not really official. See below)
(** See above)

see: diss, face, toast, roast, smoke, own, pwn, and pizzowned.

by Stupy John January 7, 2005

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ladder climber

A corporate shill who is the utmost example of selfishness. They are the most unenlightened breed of human being next to a literal religious terrorist. Purely driven by ego, they stop at nothing and no one to get what they want with absolute disregard for others. They see life with blinders on, they are constantly defensive and they are sociopathic in nature. CEOs all climbed the ladder to the top, using the necks of others, usually those who actually created something, as rungs on this ladder. They are abysmal human beings who now exist in droves in corporate America. They have ruined the U.S.A. and should be ashamed of themselves, but even more so, the U.S. citizens need to recognize the shame they have brought upon the U.S., a once actually great country, now living anecdotally through lies, rabble, manipulation, war, and fear. Shame on U.S. for letting these people take what is ours. Especially since money is merely a human construct to being with. These are fake people, that know everything they do is wrong, yet they continue to do it out of an even greater fear than that of which they propagate as they build their onion-skin of an image. Pathetic.

I refuse to be a ladder climber at this soulless company. I quit.

by Waxil July 22, 2014

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yellow ladders

street term for the prescription drug called xanax (alprozolam)

i found a couple of yellow ladders and that shit fucked me up dogg

by lunydogg August 21, 2011

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step ladder

Only a ladder by marriage, not a real ladder.
See also; Step-grandad

What's worse than being a step ladder?
Being a step-grandad.

by Smell the roses November 21, 2016

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white ladder


"yo u tryna pop some white ladders?"

"aint xans addictive?"

by phatchode13 September 1, 2020

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texas ladder

One person gets on a ladder (5 feet tall) with a hard cock. The other person lays on the ground spreading his lubed up anus. The dude on the ladder then jumps and penetrates the other persons sopping wet gaping bung hole.

Dude my anus still hurts from when your brother did the texas ladder on me

by Texas ladder July 21, 2015

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Looks Ladder

Also referred to as the 1-10 Female Attractiveness Scale, it is an X/10 rating (where X is a number between 1 and 10 inclusive) is a rather unimaginative and extremely arbitrary scale used to quantify a female's attractiveness, with 1 designated as "very unattractive" and 10 as "really fucking hot". The resultant number is often used a noun, sometimes numerator only.

It is to be noted that the final verdict of one who uses the looks ladder on a female is held as an objective truth and totally not biased at all.

"I would rate Zoey 8 /10 on the looks ladder."
"Last night, I banged a 7."

by แผˆฯ€ฮฟฮปฮปฯฯ‰ฮฝ October 20, 2016

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