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lemme you lint for something

Means you want lint or to give lint

Lemme you lint for something

by Iamgaymer November 14, 2020

lemme gyatj

lemme give you a tail job

female with a tail: lemme gyatj
alpha male: I love getting a tail job

by Tavukk July 30, 2024

lemme vote

i just want to vote on your dumb words again

lemme vote please

by NotAnAverageGuy September 8, 2020

lemme pipe

Lemme fuck pretty much

Tim guess what bre lemme pipe her

by Bryl.33 January 4, 2023

lemme tap

A new hip and cool way to ask someone to have sex (mainly used on ones homies) this phrase is mainly used by Generation Z and Generation A and its mainly used by people who are still virgins and in desperate need of some kitty

bro PLEASE lemme tap😭🙏

by minuss gunss April 3, 2024

Lemme feel that

Let me feel that d**k

Damn it’s big! Lemme feel that😍

by Sethm216 June 11, 2020

lemme eyp

a phrase used by usually s tier gooners who have 30+ tabs of pxrn open and get no bxtches, it means lemme eat yo pxssy.

it is said to a female to indicate that you would like the enjoy the delicacy of her lower parts to eat. aka that coochie,

use of this phrase usally results in a screenshot or you getting blocked most of the time both.

using this phrase is not advised unless you want to get exiled from a woman's life and possibly society if you are screenshotted

gooner: *comments on a girls post* "hey ma lemme eyp"
any women to ever exist: ew you disgusting creature *screenshotted to be humiliated in another video*
other people looking at the comments: damn this dude get no bitches

by jayvlier July 18, 2024

100👍 8👎