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Little Fudge

An abrasive little person who is relatively short in mental stature; a type of twerp; little shit.

Some little fudge was insisting his internet connection was uncharacteristically slow.

by gangelo June 9, 2011

12๐Ÿ‘ -1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Little Dudley

The term for an individual with a microscopic penis.

After that experience last night, I should just call you Little Dudley!

by KaBoom January 15, 2014

Little Satan

What the Arabs call Israel.

Little Satan = Israel

by Dancing with Fire August 1, 2011

64๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Little monsters

What Lady Gaga calls her fans.
Little monsters are more than just fans though, they are the people who have twitter accounts supporting Gaga, have lots of Gaga merch and really love gaga.
They know almost everything about her and most importantly they have heard more than just her big hits, they know all her songs even from before she was famous.
They put their hand up in a claw form when Gaga says "Paws Up". They were born this way!
They also call each other "hooker, whore, bitch, etc" just cause they love each other. They are like a big family rather than just a fan base.

Gaga: Hey little monsters, i love you!
Little monster: OMG GAGA lwjhervl i love you!! ukhfkvwerv *cries & faints*

by HausOfVeronika May 28, 2012

91๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

little shit

Something my grandma calls

"Get over here you little shit"

by guess who January 18, 2004

393๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž

little 500

the greatest college week of all time. Where a campus of 40,000+ students celebrate a seemingly ordinary bike race by engaging in a week of mind blowing, wasted beyond your wildest dreams, non stop parties. Where class shuts down and drunken students stumble from bar to bar, frat to frat, street to street, drinking everything in sight and no amount of alcohol poisoning can stop them. Where it is more than acceptable to start drinking the moment you awake and SlipNslides, mud wrestling,Beer Pong, Rap concerts, and power hours are a daily occurence. the Greatest College Week in America.

I got smashed during little 500.

by XIDizzle April 19, 2006

843๐Ÿ‘ 138๐Ÿ‘Ž

Little Richie

Self-proclaimed inventor of letters and the lawn and killer pasties The Mastermind of kindergarten drawings

Little Richie of Big fat liar

by Kingofdick May 6, 2020