A Bharaiya lady with white skin-tone. In a tv show, Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hai, it refers to a character Anita Vibhuti Narayan Mishra (Annu). aka gori mam.
Gauri mam ghar main hai kya? aarey dada!
Means your mom gay, but when spoken in a moment of true anger, hatred, and spite, this true curse has the ability to warp the very fabric of reality with its power. it can instantly kill an offending party, cause spontanious combustion, or instantly afflict with Ligma along with numourous other possible effects. One unfortunate victim was transported to Hogwarts but instead of learning magic, was forced to spend 10,000 years doing increasingly complex vector calculus.
Chad: Hi Joe!
Joe: Fuck you Chad I've always hated you
Chad: Huh, what-
Chad: Gets AIDs, Ligma, Bofa, Arthritis, and eczema, then spontantiously combusts, then explodes, then reforms in agonizing pain, and is thrown into the darkest depths of limbo to suffer forever.
In the UK, typically somewhere like teeside, this is a phrase to say as a way to promise XYZ is the truth. Mainly used in secondary schools.
Dean: stop chatting shit about my dead nana ya specky cunt!
Mackenzie: what are you on about!?
I didn't say nish. What are you piping up for?
Dean: swear down then.
Mackenzie: mam's life I didn't say ought (out) about your nana, kid fuckin' hell man.
Hey mam can I have a sandwich in 2 words mam sandwitch
Hello can I have a mam sandwich
mathil is in fact the definition of mam. if you went to projekt revolution, you would understand.
mathil is the definiton of mam is awesome