Source Code

Manually Initiated Crash

Whenever you press Right Ctrl and press Scroll Lock Twice after you've added the CrashOnCtrlScroll value on the Registry Editor of Windows 10 on the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\kbdhid\Parameters Directory.

Brad: Hey dude! i fixed everything on your computer and now it should be working fine and dandy, also something i added is the Ctrl Double Scroll Lock Function so you can automatically see what stuff is open on your PC

Braindead Not-know-anything-about-tech Dumbass: Thanks Dude! ill check it out sometime

*Tests Function*
*PC Crashes*

*Error Code: Manually Initiated Crash*

by Harv09 July 9, 2021

manual dicksterity

1. High proficiency in masturbation.

During the quarantine my manual dicksterity increased noticeably.

by Nedokonaley95 October 16, 2021

manual scoop loader

a shovel

i was a construction engineer in the military, we spent lots of time digging trenches by hand, i was basically a manual scoop loader operator

by SweetSoulMusicman December 1, 2022

Manual Override

To stop something that is stoping you

Wheatley: I am going to perform a Manual Override on this wall.

by TDZ5 May 24, 2022

Manual High School

Where all the kids walk around the school looking like emos and transes. They mostly look at porn and jack off to the fine teachers, but the other half looks like they carry M-16s and Aks in their backpack.

Ted: See that homeless man on the road eating a chimichanga

Jerry:Yea, that’s Manual High School s best student
Ted:Didn’t he shoot up the school?
Jerry:Yea, still their best student

by slimshady53 October 12, 2021

Manual high school

A high school in Louisville where everyone is depressed and spends all day complaining.

Girl: “You go to Manual high school??”
Sleep-deprived person: *cries* “unfortunately

by Mrs.Letti January 25, 2020

Manual Boy

Cheap motherfucker that follows all the rules and does it by the book. Commonly used as a derogatory term and screamed in a British accent.

That Robin kid's a MANUAL BOY

by JuicedGoose July 18, 2015