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Arkansas Meltdown

Similar to a Shibuya Meltdown, the Arkansas Meltdown consists of a person lathering their home walls with red wine. This situation only happens after consuming a hefty amount of red wine from a box.

Yo Chase, how do you feel after that Arkansas Meltdown last night?

by ThatsOK01 August 4, 2024

Arkansas Meltdown

Similar to a Shibuya Meltdown, the Arkansas Meltdown consists of a person drinking a hefty amount of boxed red wine and throwing up all over the floors and walls of their house. This would create the affect of “painting” the walls red.

Oliver - “yo Chase, how do you feel after that Arkansas Meltdown last night?”
Chase - “I’m never drinking red wine again”

by ThatsOK01 August 4, 2024

patty meltdown

Having a meltdown while eating a burger.

Following a particularly trying day of work, she met her girlfriend at the diner for a patty meltdown.

by Beebum January 8, 2015