A "Microphone Warrior" is somebody that will talk all kinds of smack through a gaming headset or a telephone. But doesn't have the balls to say it to your face.
1. I was playing Call of Duty and this "Microphone Warrior" wouldn't stop talking shit.
2. I confronted this dude over the phone and he was a straight "Microphone Warrior". When I told him where he could find me and that I'll be waiting he never showed.
This mean that men say rude and nasty things about women on a podcast or something else so we need to stop giving men microphones a song by Sarah Hester Ross @ sarahhesterross
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Stop giving men microphones
When you put a sausage on a microphone so you can eat while hella gaming.
Person 1: I commuted microphone sausage yesterday
Person 2: Thats an act of war